藝妓咖啡海拔高度 Geisha Coffee’s Altitude
1. 藝妓咖啡海拔高度
2. 藝妓/瑰夏種(Geisha/Gesha)
Geisha coffee's altitude plays a crucial role in its flavor profile. The higher the altitude of the coffee plantation, the later the cherries ripen, allowing the coffee to develop sweeter and more complex flavors, as well as higher density. The internationally renowned Jade Mountain Estate conducted tests and found that Geisha coffee performs best at altitudes above 1400 meters. As a result, altitude and cupping are used to grade Geisha coffee, with higher altitudes correlating to higher quality.
富士比曾評為「世界十大昂貴咖啡」之一但在現今已不是之一,而是最貴的咖啡!2017年7月巴拿馬翡翠莊園的藝妓生豆,創下每磅601美元天價,然而在9月13日Ninety Plus(90+)藝妓咖啡拍賣出每公斤5,001.5美元,也就是每公斤生豆要15萬台幣!
Geisha/Gesha Variety
Geisha, formerly ranked as one of the "world's top ten most expensive coffees" by Sotheby's, is now considered the most expensive coffee. In July 2017, green Geisha beans from Panama's Jade Mountain Estate set a record price of $601 per pound. However, on September 13th, Ninety Plus (90+) auctioned Geisha coffee for an astonishing $5,001.5 per kilogram, equivalent to NT$150,000 per kilogram of green beans.
藝妓 or 瑰夏 or 藝伎,其名子是來自於衣索匹亞的藝妓山(Geisha Mountain),其音與日本藝妓相同,因此華人稱為藝妓。
The name "Geisha" or "Gesha" originated from the Gesha Mountain in Ethiopia, and its pronunciation is similar to that of the Japanese geisha. Hence, it is called Geisha in Chinese.
In recent years, Geisha coffee has been chosen by many competitors in international coffee competitions and has won championships. For example, in the 2017 World Brewers Cup, Taiwanese competitor Wang Tse won the championship using 90+ Geisha as his chosen bean.
Geisha coffee is known for its exceptional aroma, with notes of floral fragrances like geisha flowers and jasmine. It exhibits bright fruity acidity, such as passion fruit, lychee, apple, and orange, with a sweet and clean aftertaste. The mouthfeel is exceptionally smooth and velvety.
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✔ Stick to fresh roasting ✔ Stick to sieving and roasting ✔ Stick to estate coffee
➤ Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
➤ Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures