Ethiopia Gedeo Yirgacheffe Misty Valley Aricha G1 Washed │ Light【Justin Coffee】 1/2 lb (230g) Estate Coffee Freshly Roasted

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Item No.: JC164668

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Ethiopia Gedeo Yirgacheffe Misty Valley Aricha G1 Washed


  • Coffee Bean Origin: Ethiopia
  • Estate-grown coffee: Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Misty Valley Riesling Micro Lot
  • Processing Method: Washed
  • Bean Variety: 100% Arabica 74110 & 74112
  • Grade: G1
  • Flavor: White Freesia Floral Aroma Caramel Sweet Melon
  • Sweet and Sour Apple Smooth Mouthfeel Finish with Lemon and Cocoa
  • Roast Level: Light Roast
  • Packaging Method:
  • Coffee Beans 1/2 lb (230g)
  •     ➡ One-Way Degassing Valve + Kraft Paper Zipper Bag
  • Elevation: 2100-2300m
  • Shelf Life: 4 months(The coffee beans have a shelf life of 4 months, starting from the roast date, ensuring optimal flavor)












Coffee Flavor 
The flavors of coffee are derived from the breakdown of various nutrients in the green coffee beans during roasting. Heat causes these compounds to degrade into a variety of aromatic molecular structures, resulting in a wide spectrum of flavors. High-quality coffee beans naturally possess a rich aroma that evolves at different temperatures—high, medium, and low—offering a delightful and nuanced experience worth savoring.

Ethiopia Gedeo Yirgacheffe Misty Valley Aricha G1 Washed
Floral Notes of White Freesia, Caramel Sweetness, Fresh Melon, Sweet and Tangy Apple, Silky Smooth Texture, Lingering Hints of Lemon and Cocoa


This exceptional micro lot originates from Aricha Village in the renowned Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia. Nestled within a serene, mist-covered valley, it stands as a hidden treasure amidst the lush landscapes. The processing plant spans 2.5 hectares, equivalent to the area of 2.5 football fields, providing an expansive and pristine environment. The coffee beans exude an elegant brilliance, reflecting the superior conditions under which they are grown and processed. The locally processed washed beans are highly esteemed for their delicate aroma and exceptional cleanliness, distinguishing them in the specialty coffee market.

Aricha Village is nestled within a forest area enveloped by light mist, offering breathtaking scenery that resembles overlooking a forested island shrouded in a sea of fog. The picturesque landscape captivates all who visit, creating an enchanting backdrop for coffee cultivation.

The Misty Valley experiences extremely cold temperatures at night, resulting in a significant day-night temperature variation. These unique environmental conditions are ideal for cultivating high-quality coffee. During the day, the coffee trees engage in vigorous photosynthesis, producing a substantial amount of carbohydrates (sugars). As night falls and temperatures drop, the respiration rate of the coffee trees slows, leading to minimal sugar consumption.


The Yirgacheffe region is situated in Ethiopia, the birthplace of Arabica coffee beans, at elevations ranging from 1,700 to 2,100 meters. It stands as one of Ethiopia's highest coffee-producing regions by average altitude and is synonymous with Ethiopian specialty beans.

The region boasts highly fertile soil, which is essential for robust coffee plant growth.

Reliable rainfall patterns ensure that coffee plants receive the necessary moisture throughout the growing season.

Extensive expertise and traditional knowledge among local farmers enhance coffee cultivation and processing techniques.

Arabica coffee originates from Ethiopia, Africa, where hundreds or even thousands of wild coffee varieties still thrive today. Many of these grow undisturbed in the country's ancient forests, forming an immense gene pool of locally evolved hybrids, mutations, and crossbreeds. This diverse local mix is referred to as the genetic pool of Arabica, and the indigenous varieties produced in Ethiopia are known as Heirloom coffees.

In the 20th century, Ethiopia, with official support, initiated a series of projects to search for, test, and name new coffee varieties. To combat the impact of the coffee tree virus, the Jimma Agricultural Research Center (JARC) collected and studied 639 coffee samples, releasing 13 varieties including 74110, 74112, and 74158. In the 2021 Coffee Excellence Cup (COE), these varieties performed exceptionally well, with 74110 securing 8 positions, 74112 achieving 10 positions, and 74158 earning 6 positions out of the top 30. Notably, 74110 amazed judges by securing runner-up, third place, and eighth place with washed batches, with the runner-up and third place batches scoring over 90 points from international judges. 74112, originating from the Metubishali Forest, features small leaves and fruits, a concentrated canopy, gentle fruity aromas, and a pleasant syrupy sweetness.

Grade: Grade 1 (G1) is the highest level in the Ethiopian coffee grading system.

(Coffee Processes)

Coffee processing refers to the transformation of ripe red coffee cherries into dried green coffee beans. Each method has its pros and cons, influenced by the natural environment and specific needs of the production region. Therefore, each coffee-producing area adopts processing methods best suited to its conditions. This batch uses the Washed Process, which are summarized below:

【Washed / Wet Processed】

Also known as the wet process, this method involves removing the skin and pulp of the coffee cherries before drying. The seeds are then fermented in water tanks to eliminate the remaining mucilage on their surface, followed by thorough washing and drying under sunlight or with mechanical dryers.

The washed process produces a cleaner and crisper flavor profile compared to the natural process. Coffees processed this way typically have lighter body, brighter acidity, and distinct fruit flavors. This method is often associated with specialty coffee due to its clarity and vibrant flavor expression.


Tel: +886-3-358-6611
1st Floor, No. 30, Lane 120, Daxing Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City

▶This product is covered by a NT$10 million product liability insurance.
▶Food Industry Registration Number: F-165601955-00000-0
▶ Our company’s cupper is certified as a CQI International Coffee Quality Appraiser. 



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