嫩珍稀咖啡品種-粉紅波旁(Bourbon Rosado) Rare Coffee Variety - Bourbon Rosado

粉紅波旁(Bourbon Rosado, Pink Bourbon)得名於其咖啡果實呈玫瑰粉紅色,優雅迷人而聞名。在2023年世界咖啡師錦標賽(World Barista Championship)的最後一輪中,我們看到兩名參賽者使用粉紅波旁品種。該品種以其咖啡果實呈淡粉色和高度甜感及複雜風味特徵而聞名,近年來人們對這一品種的興趣與日俱增。

Bourbon Rosado or Pink Bourbon, named for its coffee fruit appearing in a rose-pink hue, is renowned for its elegant and captivating nature. In the final round of the 2023 World Barista Championship, two contestants were observed using Bourbon Rosado beans. This variety is celebrated for its coffee cherries displaying a light pink color and distinctive flavors of high sweetness and complexity. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in this variety due to its unique characteristics.


據說最早發現粉紅波旁品種的是Finca Monteblanco莊園主Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia,2013年他在農場發現有一些咖啡樹結果的果實為粉紅色,這些果實在杯測中的風味表現帶有輕盈的花香氣,相似Geisha,且在Body的部分表現又比藝妓更為飽滿,而最讓他驚訝的是粉紅波旁『抗葉鏽病』。Bourbon Rosado這個品種早在幾十年前就已經出現!當時在區分黃波旁與紅波旁時,發現有些樹結出來的果實呈現似橘色或粉紅的色澤,因產量稀少早期會混入紅、黃波旁中銷售,在精品咖啡市場開始蓬勃後,農民們才開始將Bourbon Rosado分類出來,在市場上以橘波旁或粉紅波旁的名字販售。

It is said that the first discovery of the Bourbon Rosado variety was made by Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia, the owner of Finca Monteblanco. In 2013, he found coffee trees bearing pink-colored fruit on the farm. These cherries exhibited delicate floral aromas in cupping, akin to Geisha, with a fuller body than the Geisha. The most surprisingly, this Pink Bourbon is resistance to leaf rust. The Bourbon Rosado variety has been around for decades! When distinguishing between Yellow Bourbon and Red Bourbon, it was noted that some trees bore fruit with an orange or pinkish hue. Due to its limited yield, it was initially sold mixed in with Red and Yellow Bourbons. Only later, with the flourishing specialty coffee market, did farmers begin categorizing and selling Bourbon Rosado separately under names like Orange Bourbon or Pink Bourbon.


粉紅波旁因為風味討喜非常受歡迎,而他的身世謎團目前沒有定論。目前有的資料表示黃波旁與紅波旁混種出粉紅波旁或橘波旁,但尚未經過基因鑑定。2019年Colombia CoE檢測第15名粉紅波旁(Bourbon Rosado)的基因,發現就是衣索比亞地方種(Ethiopia Landrance),但是這跟粉紅波旁是否是一樣的品種,目前也還沒釐清。在最新的World Coffee Research品種關係圖中,可以發現粉紅波旁尚未被定義成一個品種。

Bourbon Rosado 's delightful flavors have earned it widespread popularity, although its origin remains somewhat elusive. Some data suggest that Pink or Orange Bourbon may have arisen from a cross between Yellow and Red Bourbons, but this has not been genetically confirmed. In the 2019 Colombia CoE, the 15th ranked Pink Bourbon was genetically tested and traced back to the Ethiopia Landrace. However, whether this matches Pink Bourbon remains unresolved. In the latest World Coffee Research variety relationship chart, Bourbon Rosado has yet to be defined as a distinct variety.


粉紅波旁以高度的甜感和濃郁的檸檬、柑橘、花香為其特色,此咖啡展現出豐富的口感,帶有清新的柑橘調風味,搭配著淡雅花香的層次感,創造出獨特而令人愉悅的咖啡體驗。由於其甜度很高,適合作特殊處理以強化其風味特色,像是「哥倫比亞 薇拉 深紅花語 粉紅波旁 水洗」在雙重水洗發酵過程達12~24小時,這個關鍵步驟讓咖啡豆可以吸收咖啡果皮的美妙風味。這樣的風味特色使得粉紅波旁成為受歡迎的咖啡選擇,近年來特別受到喜好甜感和口感的咖啡愛好者的喜愛。

Known for its heightened sweetness and intense notes of lemon, citrus, and floral fragrances, Bourbon Rosado showcases a rich mouthfeel. With its refreshing citrus tones and delicate floral structures, it creates a unique and delightful coffee experience. Due to its high sweetness, it is well-suited for special processing to accentuate its flavor profile. For instance, "Colombia Huila El Silencio Bourbon Rosado Washed" undergoes a dual-wash fermentation process lasting 12-24 hours, a crucial step allowing the beans to absorb the wonderful flavors of the coffee cherries' skin. This distinctive flavor profile has made Bourbon Rosado a sought-after coffee choice, particularly among coffee enthusiasts who appreciate sweetness and rich taste profiles.




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