精品咖啡豆國際競賽有哪些 What Are the International Competitions for Specialty Coffee Beans?



When we see that a certain bean won the TOH competition championship, and another bean won the certain place in the COE competition, which seems impressive. What are these competitions about? Are the winning beans particularly delicious? There are well-known international competitions for specialty coffee beans, such as TOH, COE, and BOP, and Taiwan also has a similar competition. What are the differences between these competitions? Let's learn about coffee competitions and make bean selection easier!



International competitions related to specialty coffee are divided into two categories based on the "participants." One is the "Farmer Competition" and the other is the "Barista Brewing Competition." Today, we will mainly talk about the "Farmer Competition."



The "Farmer Competition" involves farmers from the same producing region, and the aim is to encourage farmers to improve their production techniques and enhance the quality of coffee in the unique geographical and climatic conditions of their local region. These competitions include TOH, COE, BOP, and others. For example, the TOH competition is a competition for farmers in East Africa to find the best coffee in the region. Only coffee from the specific region will be used in the competition.


「咖啡師沖煮競賽」參賽的是世界各地咖啡師,在基本指定豆沖煮之外,用世界各地的咖啡,以最佳的沖煮技術獲得最佳的成績。像是咖啡沖煮大賽冠軍(World Brewers Cup Championship,WBrC),2017年WBrC冠軍是台灣的王策,用的咖啡豆是巴拿馬Ninety Plus在Volcan Silla de Pando產區的豆子;2022年WBrC冠軍是台灣的徐詩媛,用的咖啡豆是哥倫比亞Finca Mikawa莊園的豆子。同一個比賽中,會出現世界各國的咖啡。

The "Barista Brewing Competition" involves baristas from all over the world who use various coffee beans from around the world, in addition to the designated beans, to achieve the best results using the best brewing techniques. The World Brewers Cup Championship (WBrC) is an example of such a competition. The 2017 WBrC champion was Taiwan's Wang Ce, who used coffee beans from the Ninety Plus plantation in the Volcan Silla de Pando region of Panama. The 2022 WBrC champion was Taiwan's Xu Shi-yuan, who used coffee beans from the Finca Mikawa estate in Colombia. Various coffee from around the world will be used in this competition.


Next, we will discuss in detail the international competitions for specialty coffee beans, including TOH, COE, BOP, and the Taiwan Excellent Cup demonstration international auction.


TOH競賽(East Africa Taste of Harvest Competition)東非收穫季風味大賽,是由非洲精品咖啡協會(African Fine Coffees Association,AFCA)舉辦,AFCA成立於2000年,旨在幫助非洲的咖啡產國發展咖啡貿易,提升咖啡品質,由非洲12個咖啡生產國舉行的咖啡生豆杯測大賽,旨在發据肯亞、衣索比亞、烏干達、剛果等東部非洲各國最好的咖啡豆。比賽以美國精品咖啡協會SCA及CQI Qgrader的標準進行評分,從東非所有國家/地區收集了總共250個樣品,逐步挑選出各區域高品質的生豆,進入全國級競賽。由國内評審和國際評審一起進行評分,分數最高的咖啡豆將獲得年度全國冠軍。

The East Africa Taste of Harvest Competition (TOH) is an annual competition organized by the African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA), which was established in 2000 to help coffee-producing countries in Africa develop their coffee trade and improve coffee quality. The competition is a cupping contest held by 12 coffee-producing countries in East Africa, aiming to select the best coffee beans from Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Congo, and other countries in the region. 250 samples from all the countries/regions in East Africa were collected and gradually selected for high-quality green beans, which then entered the national-level competition. The competition is judged according to the standards of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) Qgrader. Domestic and international judges collaborate to select the highest-scoring coffee beans, which will be awarded the annual national championship.


COE卓越杯競賽(Cup of Excellence),是世界上最有聲望的咖啡豆競賽,由非營利組織ACE卓越咖啡聯盟(Alliance for Coffee Excellence)每年在各國舉行,會員國多集中在中美洲各國。至2021年底,已有有15個國家加入。COE卓越杯競賽由專業評審在上千支咖啡中評選,選出高於86分的優勝咖啡(最多選出40支),在從中選出當年該國的TOP10咖啡,並交由全球拍賣會賣出,絕大多數的拍賣收益都歸農民所有。和TOH競賽相比,COE的當地參賽批次會更多;但由於2023年度衣索比亞COE卓越杯比赛遗憾取消,因此TOH是2023年衣索比亞唯一的競標比賽。

The Cup of Excellence (COE) is the most prestigious coffee bean competition in the world, organized annually by the non-profit organization Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE) in various countries, with member countries concentrated in Central and South America. As of the end of 2021, 15 countries had joined. The COE is judged by professional tasters who select the winning coffees from thousands of samples with a score higher than 86 (up to 40 coffees), and then choose the top 10 coffees of that country for the year, which are sold in a global auction. Most of the auction proceeds go directly to the farmers. Compared to the TOH competition, the COE features more local entries. However, due to the unfortunate cancellation of the 2023 Ethiopian COE, the TOH is the only bidding competition in Ethiopia for 2023.


BOP競賽(Best of Panama)最佳巴拿馬競賽,是世界知名的競賽,1996年創辦第一屆巴拿馬生豆競賽至今,2022年10月剛舉辦完第26屆BOP。建立一個提升巴拿馬咖啡農作者的平台,提升精品咖啡的高品質,是巴拿馬精品咖啡協會建立宗旨。2022年已拍賣36個評分在91.5以上的藝妓微批次。參與競賽的莊園主可提交不同品種、處理法的批次生豆,以參加不同組別的競賽,由大會統一包裝、二次編碼、烘焙後,由15位國內評審及18位國際評審進行兩輪評分,最終達到分數要求的方能參加全球競標。這個競賽只有在巴拿馬這個國家單獨進行,巴拿馬也沒有加入COE競賽,可能巴拿馬是世界上最好的藝妓出產地吧。

The Best of Panama (BOP) competition is a world-renowned event for coffee, with the first edition of the Panama green coffee competition founded in 1996. As of October 2022, the 26th edition of BOP has just concluded. The goal of the Specialty Coffee Association of Panama is to establish a platform that enhances the quality of specialty coffee by elevating Panama's coffee farm producers. In 2022, 36 Geisha micro-lots scored above 91.5 were auctioned off. Estate owners who participate in the competition can submit batches of green coffee of different varieties and processing methods to compete in different categories. The organizers will do the package, code, and roast the coffee, and it is judged in two rounds by 15 domestic judges and 18 international judges. The coffee that meets the score requirements is then eligible for the global auction. This competition only takes place in Panama and Panama has not joined the COE competition. Panama is probably the best producer of Geisha coffee in the world.


在台灣也有一個高水準的生豆競賽,台灣卓越盃示範國際競標(Best of Taiwan COE Pilot),2023年為持續提升台灣咖啡市場能見度,助力在地農民於國際舞台嶄露頭角,行政院農業委員會指導「台灣咖啡產業策略聯盟」與國際「ACE卓越咖啡聯盟」合作,促成卓越盃COE賽事在台灣正式舉辦,最具有指標性的生豆評比賽事及競標,即日起至2023年5月1日,邀請台灣在地咖啡莊園踴躍報名,國際評選結果,將於2023年7月13日公告,得獎咖啡在2023年8月24日舉辦國際網路同步競標,讓台灣咖啡晉身國際精品咖啡市場中。

Taiwan also has a high-level green coffee competition, the Best of Taiwan COE Pilot, to increase the visibility of Taiwan's coffee market and to help local farmers shine on the international stage. The Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, guided the Taiwan Coffee Industry Strategy Alliance to cooperate with the international ACE Excellence Coffee Alliance to make the COE competition official in Taiwan. From now until May 1, 2023, Taiwanese coffee estates are invited to participate in this most influential green coffee evaluation and auction event. The international judging results will be announced on July 13, 2023, and the winning coffee will be sold at an international online auction on August 24, 2023, to allow Taiwanese coffee to enter the international specialty coffee market.



In a healthy competition, coffee farmers can find better coffee growing methods, allowing coffee lovers to enjoy the best quality coffee from all over the world! Justin Coffee has also found three award-winning batches from the 2023 TOH competition:


衣索比亞 谷吉 烏拉嘎 G1 日曬 - TOH冠軍批次 - 日曬組

Ethiopia Guji Uraga G1 Natural - TOH No.1 - Natural Category

衣索比亞 耶加雪菲 嘉爾加 G1 水洗 - TOH第5名批次

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Gargari G1 Washed - T.O.H No.5


肯亞 恩布 Guchienda AA Plus 水洗 - TOH冠軍批次 - 肯亞水洗組 

Kenya Embu Guchienda AA Plus Washed - TOH No.1 - Kenya Washed Category




✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures


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