巴拿馬咖啡產地介紹:從波奎特到其他著名地區 Introduction to Panama Coffee Regions: From Boquete to Other Renowned Areas



1. 巴拿馬咖啡產地介紹
2. 波奎特咖啡產地介紹
3. 巴拿馬著名的咖啡莊園
4. 最佳巴拿馬BOP競賽介紹
5. BOP與COE之異同
6. 巴拿馬的生豆處理法

Panama has a long history of coffee cultivation that dates back to the late 19th century, when European immigrants first introduced coffee plants to the region. Although Panama's contribution to global coffee production is relatively small, the quality of its coffee is world-renowned, with significant achievements over the past two decades. The diverse microclimates of Panama’s coffee-growing regions, influenced by soil quality (such as volcanic soil) and elevation (ranging from 1,000 to 1,650 meters), along with abundant fresh water sources, provide ideal conditions for coffee processing. Panama's high-quality coffee is highly praised worldwide for its exceptional flavors and unique floral characteristics.


Panama Coffee Growing Regions

Panama's coffee-growing history can be traced back to the late 19th century when European immigrants introduced the crop. Coffee arrived in Panama around 50 years after it gained independence from Spain, but it only secured its place as a staple agricultural product in the past 20 years. Today, Panama's coffee is primarily produced by two major indigenous groups—the Bugle and Ngobe people—as well as medium to large private estates, typically owned by European or North American immigrants or their descendants.

The coffee-growing regions of Panama benefit from diverse microclimates, influenced by factors such as soil quality (especially volcanic soil) and elevation (1,000 to 1,650 meters), as well as an ample supply of fresh water for coffee processing. For a long time, Panama has attracted European and North American immigrants, drawn by its perceived desirable, tropical, and relatively stable living conditions. The demand for real estate, labor, and wage protection laws, along with influence from the global north, has made the production and purchase of Panamanian coffee relatively expensive. Although Panama’s contribution to global coffee production is minor, the quality of its coffee ranks among the best in the world. Panamanian coffee is celebrated for its exceptional quality and unique flavor profiles, particularly its floral characteristics, which are highly regarded worldwide.


Introduction to Boquete Coffee Region

Boquete, located in Panama's Chiriquí Province near the Baru Volcano, began coffee cultivation in the early 20th century by European immigrants. Thanks to its unique geography and climate, Boquete quickly became one of Panama's most important coffee regions.

波奎特的咖啡通常生長在1200到1800米的高海拔地區。這裡的火山土壤、溫暖的日間氣溫和涼爽的夜間氣溫,以及充足的降雨量,為咖啡樹提供了理想的生長環境。波奎特的咖啡以其豐富的花香、柑橘和莓果等多層次的風味特徵著稱,特別是藝妓 (Geisha)咖啡更是世界聞名。
Boquete's coffee is typically grown at high altitudes, ranging from 1,200 to 1,800 meters. The volcanic soil, warm daytime temperatures, cool nighttime temperatures, and ample rainfall create ideal growing conditions for coffee trees. Boquete coffee is known for its rich floral aromas and complex flavor profiles, including citrus and berry notes, with the Geisha coffee being particularly famous worldwide.


Renowned Coffee Estates in Panama

  • 翡翠莊園(Esmeralda Estate)

Esmeralda Estate is famous for its Jaramillo plot, producing award-winning Geisha coffee in BOP competitions. Known for its high-quality processing methods and exceptional coffee flavors, Esmeralda Estate’s coffee often features floral notes, citrus, and bright acidity.

  • 艾利達咖啡莊園(Elida Estate)

Located in the Baru Volcano area, Elida Estate is known for its high-altitude coffee cultivation. The estate has won multiple awards in BOP competitions, with its coffee known for its complex flavors, featuring floral and fruity notes.

  • 哈特曼莊園(Hartmann Estate)

Hartmann Estate, located in the Chiriquí Province, is renowned for its organic cultivation methods and diverse coffee varieties. The estate’s coffee exhibits diverse flavors, often with floral and fruity undertones.

  • 洛斯拉霍內斯莊園(Los Lajones Estate)

該莊園位於巴魯火山區,生產的咖啡具有獨特的風味,常帶有花香和水果的風味。Los Lajones在BOP競賽中多次獲獎,其咖啡風味濃郁,口感豐富。
Situated in the Baru Volcano region, Los Lajones Estate produces coffee with unique flavors, often featuring floral and fruity notes. Los Lajones has won several awards in BOP competitions, with its coffee known for its rich flavors and full-bodied taste.

  • 聖塔瑪莉亞莊園(Finca Santa Maria)

This estate is known for its exceptional coffee quality, frequently winning awards in BOP competitions. The coffee from Finca Santa Maria is delicate in flavor, often with floral and fruity notes.

  • 卡門莊園(Finca Carmen)

Located in the Baru Volcano region, Finca Carmen is renowned for its high-quality Geisha coffee. The estate’s coffee is rich in flavor, often featuring floral and tropical fruit notes.  


Introduction to the Best of Panama (BOP) Competition

  • 競賽方式 Competition Process

最佳巴拿馬(Best of Panama,BOP)是一項國際知名的咖啡比賽,自1996年開始舉辦。該競賽由巴拿馬咖啡種植者協會(SCAP)主辦,旨在評選出該國該年度最優秀的咖啡。比賽分為不同的組別,包括藝妓(Geisha)咖啡、傳統品種等。參賽的咖啡樣品經過多輪專業評審,最終選出最佳咖啡,並在拍賣會上以高價售出。
The Best of Panama (BOP) is an internationally renowned coffee competition that has been held since 1996. Organized by the Specialty Coffee Association of Panama (SCAP), the competition aims to identify the best coffees of the year. The competition is divided into different categories, including Geisha coffee and traditional varieties. Coffee samples are subjected to multiple rounds of professional evaluation, with the best coffees selected and auctioned at high prices.

  • 世界地位 Global Standing

The BOP competition holds a significant place in the global coffee community. The winning coffees often set record prices in international markets, especially Geisha coffee, which has repeatedly broken auction price records. BOP has not only enhanced Panama's international coffee reputation but has also encouraged continuous quality improvement among coffee producers.


BOP最佳巴拿馬競賽和COE卓越杯競賽(Cup of Excellence,COE)都是世界著名的咖啡比賽,但它們之間有一些異同。COE是一項全球性的競賽,覆蓋多個咖啡生產國家,而BOP則專注於巴拿馬。兩者的評審標準和流程類似,都是通過國專業評審團進行多輪盲測評審。然而,BOP特別強調巴拿馬的特有風味和高品質咖啡,特別是藝妓(Geisha)咖啡,這在全球咖啡市場上獨樹一幟。
The Best of Panama (BOP) competition and the Cup of Excellence (COE) are both world-famous coffee competitions, but they have some differences. COE is a global competition covering multiple coffee-producing countries, while BOP focuses exclusively on Panama. Both competitions have similar evaluation standards and processes, involving multiple rounds of blind tastings by professional judges. However, BOP places special emphasis on Panama's unique flavors and high-quality coffees, particularly Geisha coffee, which stands out in the global coffee market.


Green Coffee Processing Methods in Panama

  • 傳統處理法 Traditional Methods

Traditional processing methods in Panama include washed, natural, and honey processes. The washed method is known for its clean and bright flavors, while the natural process yields richer fruit and sweetness. The honey process, a combination of both, retains the fruit’s sweetness while maintaining a degree of clarity.

  • 技術演進 Technological Advancements

In recent years, coffee processing technology in Panama has evolved, with more refined and scientific methods being introduced. For example, the use of fermentation techniques has added complexity and diversity to coffee flavors. Estate owners have begun experimenting with different fermentation times and temperature controls to create unique flavor profiles.

  • 特殊處理技術 Specialized Processing Techniques

Panama’s estate owners are continuously exploring and innovating, using various specialized processing techniques to enhance the flavor and quality of their coffee. For instance, some estates have begun experimenting with carbonic maceration and anaerobic fermentation, which can further enhance the aroma and flavor complexity of the coffee, making it more competitive in international markets.

巴拿馬以其高品質的咖啡而著稱,儘管其產量不如其他咖啡生產大國,但其卓越的品質使其在全球咖啡市場上佔有重要地位。特別是波奎特地區和著名的莊園,如翡翠莊園(Esmeralda Estate)和艾利達莊園(Elida Estate),通過不斷創新和對品質的執著追求,使得巴拿馬咖啡在國際上贏得了廣泛的讚譽。最佳巴拿馬競賽(BOP)進一步提升了該國咖啡的國際聲譽,使巴拿馬成為咖啡愛好者心目中的聖地。通過對傳統技術的堅持和不斷探索新方法,巴拿馬的咖啡種植者們持續推動著咖啡行業的發展,確保他們的咖啡在未來繼續保持世界一流的地位。
Panama is renowned for its high-quality coffee. While its production volume is smaller compared to other coffee-producing nations, its exceptional quality has secured a significant position in the global coffee market. Particularly, the Boquete region and renowned estates such as Esmeralda Estate and Elida Estate have gained widespread acclaim internationally, thanks to continuous innovation and a commitment to quality. The Best of Panama (BOP) competition has further elevated the country’s international reputation, making Panama a revered destination for coffee enthusiasts. By adhering to traditional techniques and exploring new methods, Panama’s coffee growers continue to drive the industry forward, ensuring that their coffee maintains its world-class status in the years to come.




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