代謝基因與咖啡因 Metabolic Genes and Caffeine
1. 代謝基因與咖啡因
多倫多大學教授艾爾索希米(Ahmed EI-Sohemy找到一組特定基因CYP1A2,可控制體內酵素,影響身體代謝咖啡因的快慢。據統計,快速代謝基因的人占40%,45%是一半緩慢一半快速,15%是緩慢代謝。
Ahmed EI-Sohemy, a professor at the University of Toronto, found a set of specific genes CYP1A2 that can control enzymes in the body and affect how quickly the body metabolizes caffeine. According to statistics, 40% people are with fast metabolism genes, and 45% are half slow and half fast, and 15% are slow metabolizers.
For people with slow metabolism genes, the duration of coffee to help wake up can be extended to several hours, while people with fast metabolism genes can effectively improve alertness quickly when they drink coffee, but their energy also fades quickly. Therefore, people with fast metabolism genes may need to drink several cups of coffee.
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