您的咖啡消費,能讓咖啡產業永續嗎?Can Your Coffee Consumption Contribute to the Sustainability of the Coffee Industry?


1. 永續發展
2. 精品咖啡永續發展面臨的挑戰
3. 環境永續性


With the growing concern for environmental care, social welfare, and the sustainable existence of our planet, an increasing number of coffee-producing regions, industry players, and consumers advocate and encourage the coffee industry to adopt environmentally friendly practices. This direction aims to support coffee producers in a manner that is economically viable and aligns with their social interests. What steps can specialty coffee take at every stage, from origin to table, to achieve sustainability in the coffee industry?



In recent years, sustainable development has become a buzzword, emphasizing the critical factors of the long-term economic, environmental, and social health of the coffee industry. Issues such as biodiversity loss and rural poverty are significant concerns. Sustainable development meets current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In essence, it's about being responsible in how we use resources to ensure a comfortable life for our descendants.

巴拿馬翡翠莊園(La Esmeralda)只施用適量且必要的肥料,以恢復因耕作而從土地上流失的養分,將生豆處理後的咖啡果肉排到其他農場上重複利用,作為施肥和灌溉的來源。並不斷努力維護流域沿岸的森林並尊重當地的動物,這就是為什麼莊園主特意在當地鳥類築巢季節之前和之後修剪咖啡樹的主要原因。為了提高能源效率,使用水力發電和可持續木材燃燒來運作咖啡處理場。

永續咖啡推廌:巴拿馬 翡翠莊園 綠標 私藏精選 Jaramillo 藝妓

At Panama's La Esmeralda estate, only adequate and necessary fertilizers are used to restore nutrients lost from the land due to cultivation. Coffee pulp from processed beans is redirected to other farms for reuse as fertilizer and irrigation sources. Continuous efforts are made to preserve forest along the watercourses and respect local wildlife, which is why the estate intentionally prunes coffee trees before and after the local bird nesting seasons. To enhance energy efficiency, hydroelectric power and sustainable wood combustion are utilized in the coffee processing facilities.

Promoting Sustainable Coffee: Panama - La Esmeralda Green Label Private Collection Jaramillo Geisha



One of the universal challenges faced by coffee farmers worldwide is generating a livelihood from coffee. Without an economic foundation, it's challenging to imagine thriving agricultural communities becoming a diverse and continuously growing industry. Some visionary leaders believe that sustainable development is the foundation for long-term profitability and operate their companies accordingly. However, some larger coffee corporations lack this foresight, focusing only on maximizing short-term profits.



An area that needs improvement is gender inequality. Reports from the Rainforest Alliance indicate that female coffee farmers have lower yields due to limited resource access. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, closing this gender gap could boost farm yields by 20% to 30%. The International Coffee Organization (ICO) estimates that reducing this gender gap could produce an additional 30 billion cups of coffee annually.



永續咖啡推廌:衣索比亞 耶加雪菲 AMA 博徒崁小農 G1 日曬

In Ethiopia, there's an "AMA Women Coffee Farmers Program," where "AMA" means "mother" in the local Guji dialect. In Ethiopian culture, women have relatively low status. Therefore, the program aims to improve the lives of Ethiopian female coffee farmers. With sufficient funding, these women produce higher-quality coffee beans! Cupping the coffee beans from these female farmers, it was discovered that they possess significant potential and unique flavors. This program could have a lasting impact on the Ethiopian coffee industry, providing shelter for female coffee farmers and benefiting the coffee industry as a whole.

Promoting Sustainable Coffee: Ethiopia Gediyo Yirgacheffe Elatenecha Ama Commitment Burtukan Geremu G1 Natural



Environmental sustainability may be the most urgent issue facing the world today. Agriculture causes 80% of tropical deforestation, and coffee cultivation requires significant resources. The processing and export of coffee also impact the environment. Generally, coffee cultivation has negative effects on biodiversity, but some methods are more destructive than others. Shaded coffee farms are ideal for bird and other wildlife populations. However, the vast majority of coffee is produced on monoculture farms, reducing biodiversity. The World Economic Forum's report states that intensive, sun-grown coffee plantations could lead to pollination and pest issues, increase pesticide reliance, and further exacerbate ecological degradation.


衣索比亞藝妓村(Gesha Village),總面積471公頃,植栽面積占320公頃,保育區佔27%,位於衣索比亞西南方,為衣索比亞兩大主要原始森林咖啡之一。原始森林裡的咖啡樹種植於樹蔭下,自然遮蔭法和間作的方式發展,達到環境生態的永續經營。藝妓村的目標是成為衣索比亞最好、最具環保意識的咖啡農場,在種植和加工的每一步都對品質做出不妥協的承諾,並對員工和客戶盡心盡力。尋求將世界與衣索比亞聯繫起來,並在一杯完美的咖啡中展現它的所有美麗。

永續咖啡推廌:衣索比亞 藝妓村 金標/紅標/綠標

Gesha Village in Ethiopia covers a total area of 471 hectares, with planting areas occupying 320 hectares, and conservation areas accounting for 27%. It's one of Ethiopia's two major primary forest coffee regions, located in the southwest. Coffee trees planted in the original forest grow under natural shade and intercropping, promoting sustainable ecological management. The goal of Gesha Village is to become Ethiopia's best and most environmentally conscious coffee farm, committed to uncompromising quality at every stage of planting and processing while being dedicated to its employees and customers. It seeks to connect the world with Ethiopia and showcase all its beauty in a perfect cup of coffee.

Promoting Sustainable Coffee: Ethiopia - Gesha Village Gold Label/Red Label/Green Label


Considering all the impacts of the coffee industry seems overwhelming, affecting communities worldwide and the health of our planet. However, there's hope. When you buy coffee, consider the cultivation methods of the origin and whether you can support coffee that encourages sustainable development, supporting small farmers and being kind to the origin.



1.Taylor, P. L. (2005). In the market but not of it: Fair Trade coffee and Forest Stewardship Council Certification as market-based social change. World Development. Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 129-1





✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures


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