精品咖啡價值評估 - 好喝與不好喝的一線之隔 Evaluation of Specialty Coffee Value - The Fine Line Between Delicious and Undelicious

精品咖啡價值評估 - 好喝與不好喝的一線之隔


1. 傳統的精品咖啡評價方式
2. 新的咖啡價值評估CVA


在精品咖啡的世界中,評判一杯咖啡的好壞往往取決於多種因素,傳統上一直以來是藉由咖啡專家通過杯測評估來確定。然而,隨著咖啡市場的演化,評價一杯精品咖啡是好喝或是不好喝,如果一直堅持由專家來評估,似乎不實用於消費現況,因此SCA推出新的精品咖啡價值評估系統CVA(Coffee Value Assessment),旨在更全面和靈活地評估咖啡的價值,讓品嚐者可以更擴大地使用這種新式的咖啡價值評估方式。CVA系統不僅考慮傳統的感官評估,還融入了品嚐者的情感評估和外部資訊影響,以便更準確地反映市場趨勢和消費者偏好。
In the world of specialty coffee, judging the quality of a cup of coffee traditionally depends on various factors assessed by coffee experts through cupping. However, with the evolving coffee market, relying solely on expert evaluation to determine whether a specialty coffee is good or bad seems impractical for the current consumption scenario. Therefore, the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) has introduced the new Coffee Value Assessment (CVA) system. This system aims to provide a more comprehensive and flexible evaluation of coffee value, allowing a broader range of tasters to use this new method of coffee value assessment. The CVA system not only considers traditional sensory evaluation but also incorporates tasters' emotional assessments and external information influences, providing a more accurate reflection of market trends and consumer preferences.


Traditional Methods of Evaluating Specialty Coffee

杯測(Cupping)分數是傳統上評估咖啡質量的重要指標。SCA(Specialty Coffee Association)提供的杯測分數從80分以上被認為是精品咖啡。這些分數基於多種感官特性,如香氣、風味、餘韻、酸值、口感、平衡感等。

Cupping Scores
Cupping scores are a crucial indicator of coffee quality traditionally. The SCA provides cupping scores, where a score of 80 and above is considered specialty coffee. These scores are based on various sensory attributes such as aroma, flavor, aftertaste, acidity, body, and balance.


Coffee Bean Grades
The grade of coffee beans affects their flavor and quality. High-grade coffee beans usually come from a more refined selection and processing process. Common grading standards include Ethiopia's green coffee grading system (G1) and Colombia's Supremo grade.


Origin Characteristics
The origin of coffee significantly impacts its flavor. Different regions produce coffees with distinct flavors due to varying climate, soil, and altitude. For example, Ethiopian coffee is known for its floral and fruity notes, while Colombian coffee is renowned for its balanced flavor and unique processing methods.


New Coffee Value Assessment (CVA)

SCA最近推出新的咖啡價值評估系統CVA(Coffee Value Assessment),旨在更全面和靈活地評估咖啡的質量和價值。更詳細地了解不同消費者如何評價咖啡,並據此確定市場偏好的趨勢。CVA允許對精品咖啡進行多種解釋,而不是僅僅依賴一個固定的標準。這意味著可以根據不同市場的偏好來評估咖啡,提供更符合當地需求的評價標準。
The SCA recently launched the new Coffee Value Assessment (CVA) system, aiming to provide a more comprehensive and flexible evaluation of coffee quality and value. It offers a more detailed understanding of how different consumers evaluate coffee, helping to identify market preference trends. The CVA allows for multiple interpretations of specialty coffee, rather than relying on a fixed standard. This means coffee can be evaluated according to different market preferences, providing more locally relevant evaluation standards.

1. 描述感官特性(感官描述評估):

1. Describing Sensory Attributes (Sensory Descriptive Assessment):
The CVA system uses standardized and familiar vocabulary to describe the sensory attributes of coffee, indicating the intensity of characteristics such as flavor, aftertaste, acidity, sweetness, and body. These descriptions are based on objective assessments, not the personal preferences or quality judgments of the tasters.

2. 情感對品質的印象(情感評估):

2. Emotional Impressions of Quality (Emotional Assessment):
This part of the evaluation is based on the subjective opinions of the coffee tasters, reflecting their emotions and preferences toward the coffee. This assessment considers consumers' subjective feelings and market preferences, making the results more aligned with actual market demand.

3. 外部資訊影響(外部評估):

3. External Information Influence (Contextual Assessment):
The CVA system considers the influence of external information on coffee evaluation, such as the coffee's origin, farm background, processing methods, and competition ratings. This information can change tasters' perceptions and preferences regarding the coffee.

Through the CVA system, the SCA hopes to gain a more detailed understanding of how different consumers evaluate coffee, helping to identify market trends and assisting producers in better meeting market demands. This multi-layered evaluation method allows for a more comprehensive understanding of why a cup of specialty coffee is considered good or bad and enables adjustments to coffee characteristics based on different market needs. Ultimately, the introduction of the CVA system enhances the scientific and objective nature of coffee evaluation, making the value assessment of specialty coffee more transparent and flexible. This advancement drives the entire coffee industry towards a more fair and sustainable direction. With this innovative assessment tool, we can better understand why a cup of specialty coffee is considered good or bad, facilitating smoother communication between consumers and producers, and further promoting the diversity and prosperity of global coffee culture.






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