二氧化碳與苦味 Carbon Dioxide and Bitterness


1. 二氧化碳降低了大腦對甜味的敏感程度
2. 二氧化碳,阻隔熱水萃取咖啡粉
3. 養豆時間和烘焙設定有關

二氧化碳與苦味 -大家有沒有類似的經驗,拿剛烘好的咖啡豆來沖煮,咖啡豆還有大量二氧化碳,沖出來的咖啡比較苦一點,而養豆幾日後卻改善、整體圓潤感上升。可能有幾個原因:

Carbon Dioxide and Bitterness - Do you have any similar experience? When you brew freshly roasted coffee beans, because the coffee beans still have a lot of carbon dioxide, the brewed coffee is a bit bitter, but after a few days of aging the beans, the overall mellowness improves. There could be several reasons:



Studies have pointed out that carbon dioxide reduces the sensitivity of the brain to sweetness. When carbon dioxide is present, the brain perceives much weaker sweetness from the same amount of sugar.



The strong carbon dioxide blocks the hot water to extract the coffee powder, and the hot water cannot evenly enter the coffee powder, resulting in uneven extraction and less extraction of sweet substances.



The above situation can be improved by aging beans well. The time of aging beans is related to the roast setting. Basically, it will be about 3 to 5 days after roasting, which will be the beginning of the best flavor.



When carbon dioxide dissolves in water, it will produce carbonic acid. Carbonic acid will make acid-base balance in water and combine with minerals in the water. It is weakly alkaline and has a bit of a bitter taste. Just like the recently popular sparkling water, pressurized carbon dioxide is poured into the water, and it tastes slightly bitter.




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