溫杯會讓咖啡更好喝嗎 Does pre-warm cup make a better coffee?


1. 接觸咖啡粉的器具要溫杯
2. 接觸咖啡液入口的器具要溫杯

Since childhood, we often hear from people who have been drinking coffee say that it’s better pre-warm the cup before drinking coffee, which seems unprofessional if we don’t pre-warm the cup. Is “pre-warm cup” important?

We know that temperature affects the extraction rate, and we also know that temperature affects the perception of taste, so is there a need to pre-warm cup? As mentioned in the introduction, the warm cup refers to two parts: one, the utensils that come into contact with the coffee powder should be pre-warmed; second, the utensils that come into contact with coffee liquid should be pre-warmed too. In fact, pre-warm cup is very important.


Pre-warm utensils that come into contact with ground coffee

For pour-over brewing, when the filter cup and filter paper are in contact with coffee powder, the temperature is low and the extraction rate will decrease. To effectively control the extraction rate, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature of the filter cup is hot, which can increase the extraction rate. For espresso, The handle of the espresso machine touches the coffee powder, and the extraction is completed in just 30 seconds. Maintaining the handle temperature can effectively increase the extraction rate and make the coffee mellow and sweet.


Pre-warm utensils that come into contact with coffee liquid

When we drink coffee, good coffee has different flavor changes at high temperature, medium temperature and low temperature. If coffee cup is pre-warmed before filling the coffee, the coffee flavor at high temperature can be tasted, and then slowly taste the medium and low temperature of the coffee. However, if you only want to drink the flavor changes below the medium temperature, you can omit to pre-warm cup. For example, it is very hot in summer, we drink warm coffee directly or cold brewed coffee to feel the flavor of coffee at medium and low temperature. On the other hand, if the coffee is not so good to drink at medium and low temperature, please be sure to pre-warm the cup, and drink it quickly when it is high temperature. Generally speaking, it is coffee of relatively low quality when we have situation like this. The good quality specialty coffee has pleasant and mellow flavor changes at various temperatures, which is worthy of our careful taste.


Further reading: The effect of water temperature on coffee flavor / Temperature and Taste




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