咖啡的起源 Origin of Coffee



As a coffee lover, do you know that October 1 is World Coffee Day? As now in the 21st century, according to statistics, there are more than 1 billion coffee drinkers in the world! 1.6 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day! Taiwan is the world’s No.1 in terms of coffee density, selling 13 cups per second! Today, let's talk about the origin of coffee, and learn about the origin of this cup of fragrant stunner.



Coffee was discovered at least a thousand years ago. Arabica coffee originated in Ethiopia, and then spread to Yemen and Arabia. In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Arabs began to roast and grind coffee beans, the brewed coffee was roughly the same as what we enjoy now. Then coffee was spread to Turkey and other places. Colonial cultures in the 17th and 18th centuries spread coffee seeds all over the world, including India, Jamaica, Central America and Mexico. This is the coffee journey as we know it.



There has been another shepherd boy legend over the centuries. From the 6th to the 8th century, Ethiopian shepherd boys found that the sheep were inexplicably excited and jumping around. Even the sick and old sheep recovered and danced wildly. He found that the sheep had eaten the red fruit of an unknown plant on the hillside. He picked it and ate it. One day, the elder of the nearby mosque saw it and tried to pick a few and swallow it. Since then, Muslims would drink the hot juice boiled with red cherries before worshiping. But this is a legend after all, and there is no relevant historical record.


第一波(1940~1960) 即溶咖啡當道
第二波(1960~1990) 重焙拿鐵盛行
第三波(1990~2013) 精品咖啡/拉花/塞風/手沖
第四波(2014~至今) 新品種/新後製處理法/新萃取法

In recent decades, the evolution of global coffee beverage fashion has been divided into four waves:

The First Wave (1940~1960) Instant Coffee Dominated

The Second Wave (1960~1990) Heavy Roasted Lattes Are Popular

The third wave (1990~2013) Specialty coffee/Latte art/ Siphon /Pour-over

The fourth wave (2014~present) new varieties/new post-processing methods/new extraction methods



The third wave of specialty coffee, which is often heard before, has evolved into the fourth wave of coffee. The world's climate change and the evolution of drinking have allowed more varieties of Arabica to evolve. Fermented flavor, more innovative extraction method to drink coffee, this is a world where we can enjoy the delicious coffee!


References: “Coffee Bible,” “Coffee Science,” “Specialty Coffee,” “Fourth Wave Specialty Coffee” and other books




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