咖啡公豆 Peaberry Coffee Beans



1. 咖啡公豆的生長環境
2. 咖啡喝起來的差異
3. 特別有咖啡公豆的國家
4. 咖啡公豆的市場行情

咖啡公豆(Peaberry Coffee Beans),又名圓豆,是一種變種的咖啡豆。通常情況下,咖啡果實內部包含兩顆種子(即咖啡豆),這兩顆種子面對面生長,相對的一側是平的,向外的一側是圓的。然而,公豆這種變種的咖啡果實內只包含一顆種子,這顆種子(咖啡豆)長成橢圓形,沒有平面,因此被稱為圓豆。需要注意的是,「公豆」這個名字屬於誤解。咖啡本身是雌雄同株,並不分「公豆」和「母豆」,比較正確的說法是「圓豆」和「平豆」。
Peaberry coffee beans, also known as round beans, are a unique mutation of coffee beans. Typically, a coffee cherry contains two seeds (coffee beans) that grow with their flat sides facing each other and their outer sides being round. However, in the case of peaberry beans, the coffee cherry contains only one seed, which grows into an oval shape without a flat side, hence the name round bean. It is important to note that the term "peaberry" is a misnomer. Coffee plants are monoecious, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs in the same plant, so there is no distinction between male and female beans. A more accurate distinction would be between "round beans" and "flat beans."


Growing Environment of Peaberry Coffee Beans
Peaberry coffee beans grow in the same environment as regular coffee beans, but they result from a natural mutation. According to coffee farmers, beans growing at the ends of coffee tree branches are more likely to be peaberries. Additionally, peaberries may develop due to natural selection when the coffee cherry's interior doesn't fully develop due to pest damage. Typically, peaberries make up about 5% to 10% of the cherries on a coffee tree.


Flavor Differences
The flavor difference between peaberry and flat beans primarily lies in the concentration of flavor. Peaberry beans tend to have a more concentrated flavor with higher acidity, while flat beans exhibit a broader flavor spectrum. This may be because the nutrients in a single peaberry bean are more evenly distributed, allowing heat to penetrate more uniformly during roasting. Coffee flavors can vary significantly based on origin, variety, processing method, and roast level. There is no absolute difference between peaberries and flat beans and ultimately comes down to personal preference.


Countries Notable for Peaberry Coffee Beans
Tanzania is one of the most famous regions for peaberry coffee beans. Other coffee-producing countries, such as Kenya, Hawaii, Brazil, and Colombia, also produce peaberry beans.



Market for Peaberry Coffee Beans
Peaberry coffee beans are typically priced higher in the market due to their rarity and intense aroma. Their demand and price can fluctuate based on the year and yield. Some enthusiasts believe peaberries have a stronger aroma, and due to their scarcity, they are sometimes sold at inflated prices. However, the flavor of peaberry beans can vary by variety, and their formation can be influenced by human factors. The grading and pricing of coffee beans primarily depend on the number of times beans from the same batch are manually sorted. Overall, the price and popularity of peaberry beans are determined by their rarity, flavor characteristics, market demand, and the manual sorting process.

Peaberry coffee beans are cherished by some for their rarity and strong aroma. However, the flavor of round beans varies among different varieties, and the grading and pricing of coffee beans depend on the repeated manual sorting process, which increases costs. For coffee enthusiasts, exploring these unique round beans can be a delightful tasting experience. It can also be fun to count the proportion of peaberries in a batch of regular coffee beans, seeing if they indeed make up just 5% to 10%.



✔ 新鮮烘焙咖啡豆專賣店
✔ CQI咖啡品質鑑定師把關
✔ 百萬級咖啡篩豆機剔除瑕疵豆

✔ Freshly Roasted Coffee Bean Specialty Store
✔ CQI international coffee quality appraiser quality control
✔ State-of-the-art, Million-dollar Coffee Bean Sorting Machine Removes Defective Beans

