艾利達莊園 厭氧緩慢日曬 Elida Estate, Anaerobic Slow Dry (ASD)

艾利達莊園 位於巴拿馬波奎特產區、巴魯火山的東側,是巴拿馬海拔最高的莊園之一,近幾年連續獲得最佳巴拿馬(Best of Panama)獎項。繼2018年在日曬及水洗藝妓組獲得雙料冠軍之後,又在2019年,再次獲得雙料冠軍!其中日曬藝妓組更獲得史上最高分95.25!並以每磅美金1,029元,突破去年的競標價,再次重寫BOP競標價歷史記錄!

Elida Estate is located on the eastern side of Baru Volcano in the Boquete region of Panama, and it is one of the highest-altitude coffee estates in the country. In recent years, it has consistently won the Best of Panama awards. After achieving a double championship in the Natural and Washed Geisha categories in 2018, Elida Estate repeated this feat in 2019, with the Natural Geisha receiving an unprecedented score of 95.25! Moreover, it broke the previous auction record, selling at $1,029 per pound, once again rewriting the history of BOP auctions.


為您介紹艾利達莊園引以為傲的特殊處理-厭氧緩慢日曬(Anaerobic Slow Dry, ASD)。將成熟的咖啡櫻桃,放置在密封無氧的容器中,進行5天發酵後,再放在棚架上日曬乾燥35天,並完成後續處理。艾利達莊園以此種處理法在2019年BOP傳統日曬組&特殊處理法組(Traditional Natural & Special Processes)以88.75分,獲得第4名!

Let us introduce the pride of Elida Estate—their special processing method, Anaerobic Slow Dry (ASD). Mature coffee cherries are placed in sealed, oxygen-free containers for 5 days of fermentation. Afterward, they are sun-dried on raised beds for 35 days and then undergo further processing. Elida Estate's coffee processed with this method scored 88.75 in the Traditional Natural & Special Processes category at the 2019 BOP competition, securing the fourth place!


艾利達莊園(Elida)位於巴拿馬(Panama)波奎特產區(Boquete),是巴拿馬海拔最高的咖啡莊園之一,位於巴魯火山的東側, 近幾年連續獲得最佳巴拿馬(Best of Panama)獎項。繼2018年在日曬及水洗藝妓組獲得雙料冠軍之後,又在2019年,再次獲得雙料冠軍!其中日曬藝妓組更獲得史上最高分95.25!並以每磅美金1,029元,突破去年的競標價,再次重寫BOP競標價歷史記錄!

Elida Estate, located in the Boquete region of Panama, is one of the highest-altitude coffee estates in the country, situated on the eastern side of Baru Volcano. It has been consistently winning Best of Panama awards in recent years. After achieving a double championship in the Natural and Washed Geisha categories in 2018, it repeated this feat in 2019. The Natural Geisha category received an unprecedented score of 95.25! Additionally, it broke the previous auction record, selling at $1,029 per pound, once again rewriting the history of BOP auctions.



The estate has been cultivating coffee since 1918 and is committed to preserving the natural environment by planting various native tree species that provide shade for the coffee and support wildlife conservation. They use only organic fertilizers and refrain from using any herbicides or pesticides that could harm the environment. Due to its high altitude, the lower temperatures have delayed the maturation of the coffee cherries, and the volcanic soil near the volcano provides rich nutrients for the coffee plants, contributing to the consistent success of their coffee beans in competitions.




✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

✔ Stick to fresh roasting ✔ Stick to sieving and roasting ✔ Stick to estate coffee
➤ Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
➤ Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures

