每個人心中都有一杯最好喝的咖啡 Every Person Has Their Own Perfect Cup of Coffee
1. 什麼是閾值
2. 好的咖啡風味很豐富
Do you also have a favorite cup of coffee in your heart? Everyone's ideal cup of coffee is actually affected by the threshold, which is the minimum or maximum sensitivity to concentration, aroma, acidity, bitterness, etc.
Threshold, also known as critical value, refers to the lowest or highest value that a feeling can produce, and also refers to the minimum stimulus intensity required to release a behavioral response. Stimuli below the threshold cannot lead to behavioral release, which we refer to as insensitivity here.
When two people drink the same pot of coffee together, one of them may feel that it is too strong, while the other feels that the concentration is just right. This is because the two people have difference in the thresholds for the concentration. The editor has met a person who has a very high threshold for acidity. The person can’t feel any acidity from the sourest coffee. Even if the Kenyan light roasted beans are extracted with slightly lower temperature hot water, the person can’t feel any acidity but only sweetness.
像是衣索比亞 果樂處理場 紅櫻桃計畫,有人喝到荔枝味、有人喝到茶感、有人覺得是葡萄味,也是每個人對各種風味的閾值不同所致。而這些芳香化合物也會影響甜感,喝到荔枝味的人、會覺得這杯咖啡好甜、也來自於他吃荔枝時多汁甜美的印象。
Good coffee is actually very rich in flavor, such as Ethiopia Gediyo Dila Golla OCR. Some people can taste lychee flavor, some people taste tea flavor, some people think it is grape flavor, and everyone has different thresholds for various flavors. And these aromatic compounds will also affect the sweetness. People who drink lychee will feel that the cup of coffee is very sweet, and it also comes from the impression of juicy and sweet when he eats lychees.
Try sharing coffee with friends, the same pot of coffee can present completely different sensory properties, and it is worth sharing a good feeling.
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✔ Stick to fresh roasting ✔ Stick to sieving and roasting ✔ Stick to estate coffee
➤ Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
➤ Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures