透過5個方法讓親友愛上精品咖啡 5 Methods to Get Friends and Family to Love Specialty Coffee
1. 選在精品咖啡館與親友見面
2. 品嚐不同產地的風味
3. 向您的辦公室捐贈一台法式濾壓壺和咖啡
4. 與朋友一起玩有趣又簡單的咖啡遊戲
5. 關注並追踪JC咖啡
When holidays arrive and you gather with friends and family, there's nothing like sharing a great cup of coffee. While a good cup of coffee is wonderful in itself, enjoying it with friends is even better. You probably have friends and family who haven't experienced specialty coffee. Here are five ways to introduce them to the world of specialty coffee:
1. 選在精品咖啡館與親友見面
1. Meet at a Specialty Coffee Shop
Most people have never set foot in a specialty coffee shop. Some may think it's no different from Starbucks, and others might find it intimidating. The easiest way to prove otherwise is to meet them at a specialty coffee shop. Enjoy a good cup of coffee and a chat, and it's that simple.
2. 品嚐不同產地的風味
2. Taste the Flavors of Different Origins
For those who've never tasted single-origin coffee, coffee is simply coffee. It's challenging for them to believe that "coffee can have the aroma of jasmine or taste like blueberries." So, arrange a meeting at a specialty coffee shop with your friends and choose a few different single-origin coffees. It's a good idea to select different types of beans: one with intense floral notes like Panama's Geisha, another with rich wine-like flavors like Colombia aged in rum barrels, and a fruity one like Ethiopia Uraga Natural. This way, your friends can experience different flavor profiles.
3. 向您的辦公室捐贈一台法式濾壓壺和咖啡
3. Donate a French Press and Coffee to Your Office
For many people, they consume the majority of their coffee at the office, and unfortunately, that often means instant coffee. You can change this by donating a French press to your office. It's affordable and one of the simplest brewing methods, making it a friendly introduction to brewing specialty coffee at the office. All you need to do is add coffee grounds and hot water, wait for 3-4 minutes, and enjoy a great cup of coffee. Also, you can prepare a few packs of specialty coffee. Many offices might not have a coffee grinder, but pre-ground coffee works better than year-old grocery store coffee. Gradually, your colleagues will inquire about where to get such delicious coffee.
4. 與朋友一起玩有趣又簡單的咖啡遊戲
4. Play a Fun and Simple Coffee Tasting Game with Friends
Guess where this cup of coffee comes from. The coffee's origin significantly affects its flavor. In this game, everyone tries to guess the coffee's origin based on its flavors and taste. You can choose three to five different coffees from various regions. Select those with distinctive flavors, use the same brewing method, and mark them anonymously. Let everyone taste each coffee and attempt to guess its origin. If your friends are unfamiliar with coffee, ask them to guess the continent; if they enjoy coffee, challenge them to guess the specific country, making it more challenging. The one who guesses the most origins correctly wins!
5. 關注並追踪JC咖啡
5. Follow and Explore Justin Coffee
Justin Coffee is all about the origin of coffee and fresh roasting, offering over a hundred different single-origin coffees. Every Friday, you can learn a little more about coffee. We have been sharing coffee knowledge for more than six years, emphasizing the importance of quality and sustainability. Each week, you can accumulate more passion for specialty coffee from our coffee insights. Enjoy a good cup of coffee and start your journey with Justin Coffee!
│Further reading: What Kind of Coffee Goes Best with Moon cakes?
✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳
✔ Stick to fresh roasting ✔ Stick to sieving and roasting ✔ Stick to estate coffee
➤ Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
➤ Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures