衣索比亞 班奇馬吉 歌姬藝妓 G1 黑蜜
Ethiopia Bench Maji Gori Gesha G1 Black Honey
Coffee Flavor
The flavors of coffee are derived from the breakdown of various nutrients in the green coffee beans during roasting. Heat causes these compounds to degrade into a variety of aromatic molecular structures, resulting in a wide spectrum of flavors. High-quality coffee beans naturally possess a rich aroma that evolves at different temperatures—high, medium, and low—offering a delightful and nuanced experience worth savoring.
Ethiopia Bench Maji Gori Gesha G1 Black Honey
Flavor Notes: Black cherry, sweet peach, red plum, vibrant black cherry acidity, juicy texture, with a rich and creamy peach finish.
The Origin of Gori Gesha Geisha
Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, is also the origin of Geisha coffee. Gori Gesha Geisha comes from one of Ethiopia’s two major primary forests, located in the Bench-Maji zone in the southwestern part of the country.
Here, coffee trees thrive under the protection of the dense canopy of this ancient forest. Although the total production from this region accounts for only 5–10% of Ethiopia’s coffee output, it is home to the treasure trove of the Gori Gesha Forest, the birthplace of the original Geisha variety. Historical research and genetic testing have confirmed that this is the origin of Panama’s Geisha coffee.
Gori Gesha is celebrated for its delicate and bright acidity, offering a harmonious and elegant flavor profile. Tasting it is akin to being immersed in the enchanting performance of a diva, which inspired its poetic name: Gori Gesha Geisha.
Grade 1 (G1)
G1 is the highest grade in Ethiopia's coffee grading system.
Once named one of the "World's Top 10 Most Expensive Coffees" by Forbes, Geisha coffee has become a legendary name in the world of specialty coffee. However, the term "Geisha" is often a source of confusion due to the existence of multiple genetically distinct plant types sharing the name. Many of these plants trace their geographical origins to Ethiopia. Recent genetic diversity analyses by the World Coffee Research Center confirmed that the T2722 variety grown in Panama is both unique and consistent. When well-managed in high-altitude regions, it has a strong correlation with exceptional cup quality, renowned for its refined floral aromas, jasmine notes, and peach-like fragrance.
The Geisha coffee grown in Panama for over 60 years belongs to the T2722 variety, originally collected in the 1930s from Ethiopia’s coffee forests. It was sent to the Lyamungu Research Station in Tanzania before being introduced to Central America in 1953 via the Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) in Costa Rica, where it was cataloged as T2722.
In the 1960s, its resistance to coffee leaf rust was recognized, leading to its distribution across Panama through CATIE. However, due to its fragile branches, farmers were reluctant to cultivate it widely. This changed in 2005, when the Peterson family from Boquete, Panama, entered Geisha coffee into the Best of Panama (BOP) competition and auction. The coffee received outstanding evaluations, broke auction price records for green coffee at the time, and catapulted Geisha into international fame.
The names "Geisha" and "Gesha" are often used interchangeably, reflecting transliteration differences from Ethiopian dialects to English. The coffee was initially recorded as "Geisha" in early cultivation records, and this spelling became widely used in coffee research and industry databases. However, the coffee was originally collected from a mountain in Ethiopia, where the name is more commonly transliterated as "Gesha" or "Geisha" in English.
In recent years, Geisha has gained worldwide popularity, with successful cultivation across various regions, including Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Colombia, Peru, and other parts of Central and South America. These plantations primarily grow the T2722 variety introduced from Panama. Additionally, Taiwan's high-altitude regions have embraced Geisha cultivation. The higher the altitude, the more enchanting the flavors, making Geisha coffee a true gem of the coffee world.
(Coffee Processes)
Coffee processing refers to the transformation of ripe red coffee cherries into dried green coffee beans. Each method has its pros and cons, influenced by the natural environment and specific needs of the production region. Therefore, each coffee-producing area adopts processing methods best suited to its conditions. This batch uses either the Natural Process or the Washed Process, which are summarized below:
Honey / Pulped Natural / Semi-dry Process
The honey process is a method that combines elements of both the natural process and the washed process. This technique was initially developed in Costa Rica. Similar to the washed process, the skin and pulp of the coffee cherries are removed, but the fermentation step is skipped. Instead, the mucilage layer (a sticky, sugary layer around the bean) is left intact and dried under sunlight.
The term "honey" does not refer to the addition of actual honey. Rather, it derives from the sticky texture of the mucilage, which resembles honey. The retention of this layer, rich in sugars and acids, is the key to the honey process. The amount of mucilage left on the beans determines the sweetness and flavor complexity:
Yellow Honey (25% mucilage retained): Shorter drying time with minimal enzymatic reaction from the sugars in the mucilage.
Red Honey (50% mucilage retained): Moderate drying time with slightly more enzymatic reaction, enhancing sweetness and complexity.
Black Honey (80% mucilage retained): Longest drying time with the most enzymatic reaction, resulting in maximum sweetness and complexity. This batch uses the black honey process.
The honey process produces flavors that fall between the natural and washed processes, resulting in a truly unique cup of coffee. It has a cleaner taste compared to the natural process, and the residual mucilage imparts a richer syrup-like sweetness. The acidity is more pronounced than in the natural process, yet it offers a fuller body compared to the washed process.
Tel: +886-3-358-6611
1st Floor, No. 30, Lane 120, Daxing Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City
▶This product is covered by a NT$10 million product liability insurance.
▶Food Industry Registration Number: F-165601955-00000-0
▶ Our company’s cupper is certified as a CQI International Coffee Quality Appraiser.
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