天堂鳥莊園 Sigri Estate

天堂鳥莊園是位於新幾內亞 (Papua New Guinea) 的太平洋島嶼國家,西鄰印度尼西亞。有超過800種不同語言多樣化的國家。咖啡在新幾內亞的商業性始於1920年代,自牙買加藍山引進原生鐵比卡品種。

Paradise Bird Estate, also known as Sigri Estate, is situated in Papua New Guinea, a Pacific island nation located to the west of Indonesia. Papua New Guinea is known for its cultural diversity, with over 800 different languages spoken in the country. Coffee commercialization in Papua New Guinea began in the 1920s when the native Typica variety was introduced, originating from the Jamaican Blue Mountains.


天堂鳥莊園又稱西格里莊園(Sigri Estate)發跡於1950年,位於西部高地的維基谷地(Wahgi),生產高品質阿拉比卡品種咖啡,咖啡豆經過純人工採收並仔細檢查是否為成熟的咖啡櫻桃,以飽含豐富且平衡的酸質與甜度,之後再按照傳統方式來處理,採用連續三天不斷的用大量清水來清洗浸泡咖啡豆,跟其他產區最大的不同,所有的咖啡豆是完全浸泡在水中,因此造就了非常特殊的風味。乾燥完全採用太陽日曬,使得咖啡風味更加豐富,值得細細品嚐。

Sigri Estate, or Paradise Bird Estate, was established in the 1950s in the Wahgi Valley of the Western Highlands. It produces high-quality Arabica coffee, with beans being meticulously handpicked to ensure they are fully ripe coffee cherries. This results in coffee beans that are rich and well-balanced in acidity and sweetness. The traditional processing method involves a unique three-day fermentation process, where coffee beans are continuously soaked in ample water. Unlike other producing regions, all coffee beans are fully submerged in water, contributing to the coffee's distinctive flavor profile. The drying process is entirely sun-drying, enhancing the richness of the coffee's flavor. It's definitely worth savoring.




✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

✔ Stick to fresh roasting ✔ Stick to sieving and roasting ✔ Stick to estate coffee
➤ Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
➤ Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures



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