巴拿馬翡翠莊園藝妓咖啡的分級與特色 The Grading and Characteristics of Panama Hacienda La Esmeralda Geisha Coffee


1. 競標藝妓(Esmeralda Auction Geisha)
2. 黑標藝妓(Special Nanolots Geisha)
3. 紅標藝妓(Esmeralda Special Geisha)
4. 綠標藝妓(Esmeralda Private Collection Geisha)
5. 藍標藝妓(Esmeralda Geisha 1500)
6. 翡翠莊園其他品種咖啡

巴拿馬翡翠莊園(Hacienda La Esmeralda)以其卓越的藝妓(Geisha)咖啡而聞名,藝妓咖啡(Geisha Coffee)是一種以其獨特花果香和明亮酸質及高甜感而聞名的高品質咖啡豆。翡翠莊園的藝妓咖啡以其獨特的花香、柑橘和熱帶水果風味著稱,展現出該品種在巴拿馬高地的卓越表現,巴拿馬翡翠莊園(Hacienda La Esmeralda)對藝妓咖啡的分級尤為著名,主要根據種植海拔高度和杯測分數,將其分為以下幾個等級:
Panama’s Hacienda La Esmeralda is renowned for its exceptional Geisha coffee, celebrated for its unique floral and fruity notes, vibrant acidity, and pronounced sweetness. La Esmeralda's Geisha coffee showcases its remarkable potential in the highlands of Panama, offering flavors like flower, citrus, and tropical fruits. The estate categorizes its Geisha coffee by cultivation altitude and cupping scores, resulting in the following grading system:

競標藝妓(Esmeralda Auction Geisha)

Auction Geisha (Esmeralda Auction Geisha)

這是莊園每年透過線上拍賣獨家銷售的限量精選批次,代表該季節表現最佳的咖啡。2024 年的拍賣於 8 月 22 日舉行,標誌著翡翠莊園藝妓咖啡 20 週年的里程碑,主題為「向巴拿馬高地致敬」。本次拍賣共推出20個批次的頂級藝妓咖啡,總計4187次出價,其中最高價批次為EA20「Nido San José N」,每公斤高達7,532美元。
This is the estate's exclusive selection, sold annually via online auction. It represents the season’s best coffee. In 2024, the auction was held on August 22, marking the 20th anniversary of La Esmeralda Geisha with the theme "A Tribute to Panama’s Highlands." A total of 20 lots were offered, with 4,187 bids. The highest bid was for lot EA20 "Nido San José N" at $7,532 per kilogram.

黑標藝妓(Special Nanolots Geisha)

Black Label Geisha (Special Nanolots Geisha)

是莊園最頂級且稀有的咖啡系列,專為追求極致風味的咖啡愛好者打造。這些微批次咖啡全部來自海拔1,900公尺以上的特定地塊。Special Nanolots採用創新的處理方式,例如冷發酵、蜜處理和實驗性日曬技術,每批次的風味都獨一無二,呈現令人驚豔的果香、花香與高甜感層次。這些批次在市場上常被稱為「黑標」,數量稀少,且僅限於翡翠莊園的年度競標或專屬客戶購買。黑標的稱呼主要在華人地區流行,翡翠莊園官方網站上並未使用此名稱。因此,黑標並非官方正式的分級,而是市場上的非正式稱呼。
This is the estate's most premium and rare collection, designed for coffee enthusiasts seeking exceptional flavors. Sourced exclusively from plots at elevations above 1,900 meters, Special Nanolots feature innovative processing methods like cold fermentation, honey processing, and experimental natural techniques. Each lot is unique, showcasing vibrant fruitiness, floral notes, and a high level of sweetness. These batches are commonly referred to as "Black Label" in the market. They are rare and exclusively available through Hacienda La Esmeralda's annual auctions or to select clients. The term "Black Label" is primarily popular in Chinese-speaking regions and is not used on Hacienda La Esmeralda's official website. Therefore, "Black Label" is not an official grading category but rather an informal market designation.

紅標藝妓(Esmeralda Special Geisha)

Red Label Geisha (Esmeralda Special Geisha)

是翡翠莊園旗下的高品質藝妓咖啡系列。該系列的咖啡豆來自海拔1,600至1,800公尺的Jaramillo、Cañas Verdes和El Velo農場,並標示出明確的地塊,且杯測分數需達到91分以上,才能被歸類為Esmeralda Special,這些批次代表了翡翠莊園所銷售的最高品質藝妓咖啡。高海拔環境雖然為種植與採收帶來挑戰,但正是在波魁特山區的極端條件下,藝妓咖啡獨特的花香和柑橘香得以充分展現。每一個微批次都獨一無二,展現出令人驚豔的風味特徵,包括經典的茉莉花、佛手柑、核果與莓果等香氣。無論是其獨特的地理來源、嚴格的品質要求,還是其豐富的風味層次,Esmeralda Special都是藝妓咖啡的極致體現,為每一位咖啡愛好者帶來難忘的味覺體驗。
This high-quality series from the estate includes coffees from elevations of 1,600 to 1,800 meters across the Jaramillo, Cañas Verdes, and El Velo farms, with clear plots labels. To qualify as Esmeralda Special, lots must score 91 or higher on the cupping table. Although the high-altitude environment poses challenges for cultivation and harvesting, it is precisely the extreme conditions of the Boquete highlands that allow Geisha coffee's unique floral and citrus aromas to shine. Each micro-lot is one of a kind, showcasing stunning flavor characteristics such as classic jasmine, bergamot, stone fruit, and berry notes. Whether it’s the distinctive geographic origin, stringent quality standards, or the rich complexity of its flavor profile, the Esmeralda Special is the ultimate expression of Geisha coffee, delivering an unforgettable sensory experience for every coffee enthusiast.

綠標藝妓(Esmeralda Private Collection Geisha)

Green Label Geisha (Esmeralda Private Collection Geisha)

是尋找可靠且一致的藝妓咖啡品質的級別。該系列展現出經典的芳香和口感,像是花香、果香、檸檬酸質、濃鬱和多汁的口感,讓世界各地的人們愛上藝妓咖啡。該系列生長海拔在1600至1800公尺之間,亦由三個農場栽種,但不會再細分標示出地塊、只會寫出是哪一個農場。一般來說,Private Collection Jaramillo往往非常芳香,帶有濃鬱的茉莉花和玫瑰香氣,Private Collection Cañas Verdes具有更多的紅色漿果和熱帶水果香氣,Private Collection El Velo往往帶有花香和檸檬草的辛香。
This series provides a reliable and consistent Geisha experience. This series showcases classic aromas and flavors, such as floral and fruity notes, vibrant citrus acidity, a rich and juicy mouthfeel, making Geisha coffee beloved by people worldwide. Grown at altitudes between 1,600 and 1,800 meters, the series comes from three farms but does not specify individual plots, only the farm of origin. Generally, Private Collection Jaramillo is known for its intense jasmine and rose aromas, Private Collection Cañas Verdes features more red berry and tropical fruit notes, and Private Collection El Velo often carries floral and lemongrass spiced characteristics.

藍標藝妓(Esmeralda Geisha 1500)

Blue Label Geisha (Esmeralda Geisha 1500)

This was the original Blue Label series from Hacienda La Esmeralda, designed to offer a stable and accessible Geisha coffee experience. Sourced from plots at an altitude of 1,500 meters, this coffee embodies the classic characteristics of Geisha coffee, such as bright acidity, a smooth mouthfeel, and rich floral and fruity notes. While its flavor profile is more subdued compared to higher-altitude series, its balanced performance remains popular among entry-level specialty coffee enthusiasts. Since 2021, Hacienda La Esmeralda has discontinued this series and replaced it with Geisha offerings from Diamond Mountain Estate.


Varietal Collection:包含SL-34、Laurina、Pacamara和Landrace Blend等異國品種的微批次咖啡。
Diamond Mountain:由Catuai品種製成,提供美味且穩定的風味。

Other Coffee Varietals from Hacienda La Esmeralda

Varietal Collection: Features micro-lot coffees from exotic varieties such as SL-34, Laurina, Pacamara, and Landrace Blend.

Diamond Mountain: Produced from the Catuai variety, offering a delicious and consistent flavor profile.

Hacienda La Esmeralda's exceptional Geisha coffee grading system provides a multi-structured selection for coffee enthusiasts, ranging from entry-level options to premium experiences. From rare auction batches to cost-effective daily Geisha options, each coffee reflects the estate's commitment to quality and the optimal use of its natural environment. Whether it's high-altitude auction lots, high-quality Red Label batches, or the dependable Green Label series, Esmeralda's Geisha coffees consistently captivate coffee lovers worldwide with their refined and complex flavor profiles. Through its unique geographical advantages and mastery in coffee production, Hacienda La Esmeralda continues to set benchmarks in the specialty coffee world, delivering unforgettable experiences to every taster.



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