咖啡緩解腦霧?Coffee Relieves Brain Fog?
1. 腦霧症狀
2. 咖啡因的黑咖啡或茶飲可以緩解腦霧
COVID-19 染疫確診後腦袋ㄎ一ㄤ掉...."腦霧" 會讓專注力下降、反應遲鈍、焦慮.....好可怕喔!雖然平常就腦霧霧,聽說喝咖啡也是緩解腦霧不錯的方法之一。
The brain is not functioning well after the COVID-19 infection. “Brain fog” will cause decreased concentration, unresponsiveness, anxiety... It's terrible! Although I usually have brain fog, I heard that drinking coffee is also one of the good ways to relieve brain fog.
腦霧是新冠肺炎痊癒後,有不少人有的新冠確診後遺症,腦霧(英文 Brain Fog)是一種神經症狀,形容大腦運作出問題,如同陷入迷霧般,使思考、專注力和理解力都大幅下降,不過腦霧並不是一種疾病,而是一種症狀和現象。常見的腦霧症狀如下: 記憶力出問題;專注力下降;頭痛、頭暈;無法靜下來思考;憂鬱、焦慮;理解力下降等。
Brain fog is a sequela of COVID that many people have after recovering from COVID. Brain fog is a neurological symptom, which describes a problem with the brain's operation, like falling into a fog, which means the abilities of thinking, concentration and understanding declined. However, brain fog is not a disease, but a symptom and phenomenon. Common symptoms of brain fog are as follows: memory problems, decreased concentration, headache, dizziness, inability to be calm and think, depression, anxiety decreased understanding, etc.
腦霧和新冠肺炎之間的關聯性,科學家仍在討論。美國哥倫比亞大學醫學中心(Columbia University Irving Medical Center)神經學家埃爾金醫師(Dr. Mitchell Elkind)指出,目前推測,新冠肺炎病毒可能感染腦部,使腦部發炎造成各種功能失調。另一個可能性是身體為了對抗病毒而活化免疫力和釋放某些激素,這些激素能對抗病毒,但可能影響神經系統運作。
Scientists are still discussing the link between brain fog and Covid. Dr. Mitchell Elkind, a neurologist at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in the United States, pointed out that it is currently speculated that the COVID virus may infect the brain, inflaming the brain and causing various dysfunctions. Another possibility is that the body activates immunity and releases certain hormones in order to fight the virus. These hormones can fight the virus but may affect the functioning of the nervous system.
Nutritionist Xia Ziwen said that in order to relieve brain fog, apart from getting enough Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B complex, C, D, and maintaining adequate sleep and regular exercise, caffeinated black coffee or tea also helps.
Drinking coffee can make people concentrate and refresh their spirits. The "caffeine" in coffee is the main reason that make people feeling refreshed. Caffeine is a stimulant of the central nervous system, which can improve the spirit and concentration. Increasing the extraction rate will increase caffeine. Thus, the higher the coffee extraction rate, the more caffeine content. Factors that affect the coffee extraction rate include water temperature, grinding size, immersion time, and roast degree.
│延伸閱讀:Does drinking coffee really help to refresh the mind?
Coffee is rich in antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid and polyphenolic antioxidants, which can help relieve brain fog. Our body is constantly attacked by free radicals. Antioxidants can effectively eliminate free radicals. Coffee contains many acidic organic compounds, which are not only the source of coffee’s acidity flavor, but also antioxidants that are beneficial to health.
│延伸閱讀:Drinking Black Coffee Containing Polyphenols to Regulate Immunity
Enjoy a cup of coffee with a full and mellow flavor. In addition to antioxidants and caffeine, coffee also improves your mood. Brewing a pot of estate coffee with a charming aroma to taste the various flavors. It is a wonderful feeling of whole aroma healing from brewing to taste.