打完疫苗可以喝咖啡嗎? Can We Drink Coffee after a Vaccine?


Is drinking coffee and tea bad for vaccine absorption after vaccination? True or false! ? The Taiwan FactCheck Center (TFC) pointed out that this online news is false and the statement that you can't drink coffee or tea after the vaccine has no scientific evidence (*1). We will list the reasons and related suggestions put forward by professional doctors for you as following:


1. The absorption method of vaccine is different from that of food, and drinking coffee does not affect the effect

Jiang Kun-jun, deputy director of research at Min sheng Hospital, pointed out that the COVID vaccine works in the muscles, slowly releasing and stimulating immune cells. It takes several weeks to produce antibodies and will not be absorbed by the stomach and intestines. Therefore, drinking coffee and tea will not affect the protective effect of vaccine (*2).


2. 喝咖啡不影響效果,但仍須注意水量攝取

2. Drinking coffee does not affect the vaccine effect, but still need to pay attention to water intake

Director Yu of the Community Medicine Department of Yuanrong Hospital suggested that after the vaccination, drinking more water can reduce the side effects and discomfort caused by the vaccine. It’s just that coffee and tea are more diuretic, and if they are used instead of water, it may lead to drinking less water (*1), so as long as you pay special attention to water intake, drinking coffee will not affect the vaccine effect.


3. People who are prone to insomnia, should avoid drinking coffee as much as possible, because it will affect rest

Nutritionist Wu Yiting reminded that there is no research to point out that coffee will affect the efficacy of the vaccine, but if you are sensitive to caffeine and are prone to heart palpitations and insomnia after drinking coffee, you should avoid drinking it before and after vaccination, so that it will not affect rest. Because the human body is a critical period when the immune system is "fighting" after the vaccination. Therefore, it is very important to take enough rest. If you are worried, you can drink it after 24-48 hours when the side effects have subsided (*3).



Through the explanations from relevant professionals from different aspects, coffee lovers are indeed reassured that the current vaccines have been tested for efficacy, and the effect of the vaccine will not be affected by the diet. If you drink a cup of high-quality specialty coffee, you can relax your mood and get the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of coffee polyphenols. For coffee lovers who usually drink coffee without any adverse reactions, it can be regarded as a positive habit, don’t you think so?


資料來源 (Sources):
1. TFC 台灣事實查核中心(20210721)。【錯誤X】網傳「打完疫苗要喝溫開水,喝咖啡和茶不利疫苗吸收」?
2. 郭庚儒 報導(20210806)。打疫苗前要多喝水?喝咖啡、茶會降低疫苗保護力?江坤俊曝打新冠疫苗前 這件事別做。健康2.0
3. 李祉函(20210803)。打完疫苗後可以喝茶、咖啡嗎?營養師:無研究指出咖啡影響疫苗效力。Heho健康
