咖啡具 抗氧化物 2 Coffee and Antioxidants Part 2
咖啡是人們每天補充 抗氧化物 的最大來源
美國文森博士(Joe A. Vinson)提出的研究報告指出,咖啡是人們每天補充 抗氧化物 的最大來源。挪威史維拉斯教(Arne Svilaas)亦提出,咖啡是挪威人每日抗氧化物最大來源占64%。咖啡豆含量最多的抗氧化物為綠原酸,以及烘焙後衛生成的咖啡酸、奎寧酸等,也就是在淺焙至淺中焙的咖啡含有最大量的抗氧化物。
A research report by Dr. Joe A. Vinson from the United States suggests that coffee is the largest source of antioxidants for people to replenish daily. Arne Svilaas from Norway also mentioned that coffee is the major source of antioxidants for Norwegians, accounting for 64% of their daily intake. The coffee beans contain the highest amount of antioxidants in the form of chlorogenic acid, as well as coffee acids and quinic acid formed during roasting. This means that coffee roasted to light or medium levels contains the highest level of antioxidants. The delicious taste of light and medium-roast coffee can be found in Justin Coffee.