喝咖啡會骨質疏鬆嗎?Does Drinking Coffee Cause Osteoporosis?



1. 在足夠鈣質攝取下,應該不會影響骨質密度
2. 咖啡對骨質流失幾乎沒有影響,預防骨質疏鬆3招
3. 讓你骨鬆的真正原因:缺鈣、維他命D、不運動


Current scientific research shows that the relationship between coffee consumption and osteoporosis remains controversial. Some studies have not established a clear link between coffee consumption and osteoporosis, and some findings indicate that the impact of coffee consumption on bone health is not significant. If you are concerned about the effects of coffee on bone health, it is recommended to maintain a balanced diet with adequate calcium intake, engage in appropriate exercise to increase bone density, and get moderate sun exposure to enhance vitamin D conversion, which promotes calcium absorption.



With adequate calcium intake, it should not affect bone density.



While most data suggests that coffee consumption in young women does not seem to be related to osteoporosis, researchers have also found that young women typically have sufficient calcium intake (e.g., from legumes or calcium supplements). This means that with adequate calcium intake, daily caffeine intake of up to 400mg should not affect bone density. However, older women are more likely to drink more than four cups of coffee daily and have a higher tendency to smoke, both factors that can affect bone density. Clinical studies have not reached a consistent conclusion on whether caffeine causes osteoporosis or increases fracture risk. Therefore, caffeine is currently considered a risk factor for osteoporosis rather than a direct cause.




Coffee has almost no impact on bone loss; three tips to prevent osteoporosis.


Numerous empirical studies have found that drinking one cup of coffee a day does not cause significant bone loss. Dr. Yeh Kuang-ting, director of the Osteoporosis Care Center at Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, said, "One cup of coffee a day has almost no impact on bone loss." Preventing osteoporosis is simple; most people can prevent it by following three steps daily: sun exposure, weight-bearing exercise, and calcium supplementation.


Sun exposure: Moderate sun exposure increases vitamin D conversion in the body, the source of 90% of our vitamin D. It is recommended to get sun exposure at least three times a week for 15 to 30 minutes each time.

Weight-bearing exercise: Increase bone density through weight-bearing exercises such as walking, jogging, dancing, jumping rope, hiking, stair climbing, or lifting dumbbells.

Calcium supplementation: Increase calcium intake by consuming calcium-rich foods such as tofu, amaranth, and black sesame.




The real reasons for osteoporosis: calcium and vitamin D deficiency, and lack of exercise.


Dr. Hsiao Jie-chien, a weight management specialist at Sanshu Golden Oriole Clinic, stated on Facebook that in addition to its antioxidant and metabolism-boosting properties, coffee can also enhance athletic performance. Osteoporosis is mainly caused by calcium and vitamin D deficiency and lack of exercise. The belief that coffee causes osteoporosis stems from the fact that every 100 milliliters of coffee contains 0.9 milligrams of oxalate, which inhibits calcium absorption. He pointed out that 100g of spinach contains 970 milligrams of oxalate and Chinese chives have 1,500 milligrams, vastly exceeding that of coffee. "Why doesn't anyone say that eating spinach causes osteoporosis?"



Current research on the link between coffee and osteoporosis remains controversial. Some studies have not established a clear link between the two and have found that the amount of coffee consumption has an insignificant impact on bone health. It is recommended that with adequate calcium intake, moderate sun exposure to increase vitamin D, and weight-bearing exercise, daily coffee consumption has almost no impact on bone density. The real causes of osteoporosis are primarily calcium and vitamin D deficiency and lack of exercise. Therefore, besides monitoring coffee intake, ensuring sufficient calcium and vitamin D intake and regular exercise are more important.




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