咖啡的健康力-生物活性成分 The Health Benefits of Coffee - Bioactive Compounds


1. 咖啡內含重要活性化合物
2. 咖啡因(caffeine)
3. 綠原酸(chlorogenic acid)
4. 二萜(diterpenes)中的咖啡醇和咖啡豆醇


Since people discovered the wonders of drinking coffee, scientists have also explored the many health benefits that this tiny fruit can provide to the body. Coffee contains many bioactive compounds, including phytochemicals and chlorogenic acid, that can have positive effects on the human body. Bioactive compounds are substances that can affect various biological processes in the body in small amounts.



咖啡含有千種以上複雜內含物,除了咖啡因外,其他如酚類化合物(phenols),綠原酸(chlorogenic acid)、 咖啡酸(caffeic acid)和內酯類(lactones)等,二萜(diterpenes)含咖啡醇(cafestol)和咖啡豆醇(kahweol),菸鹼酸(niacin)和維生素B3的前趨物葫蘆巴鹼(trigonelline)等,葫蘆巴鹼每100公克的咖啡約含0.3-1.3%,是咖啡苦味的主要來源之一,也是一種傳統的中藥成分,可能可用於治療糖尿病,但有除去咖啡因(deca einated)的咖啡研究發現其並無此功效,也有研究發現其可避免細菌黏附在牙齒上,保護牙齒免遭細菌侵蝕,但長期喝咖啡亦易導致色素沉著的咖啡牙,影響外觀。此外,咖啡亦含有豐富的維生素B3、鎂(magnesium)和鉀(potassium)等成份。再者其有許多不同的釀造、沖泡方法及添加物,可能影響每個化合物含量,亦可能影響其作用,因此不易瞭解其生理效應,添加物之含有反式脂肪的奶精和糖等,可能對健康造成負面影響。至目前為止,較為人知及較重要活性化合物為咖啡因、綠原酸和二萜等。

Coffee contains over a thousand complex compounds, including caffeine, phenols, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, lactones, and so on. Diterpenes contains cafestol, kahweol, niacin, and trigonelline. Trigonelline, a precursor to vitamin B3, is found in coffee at a concentration of 0.3-1.3% per 100g and is one of the main sources of bitterness in coffee. It is also a traditional Chinese medicine ingredient that may be used to treat diabetes, but studies have found that decaffeinated coffee does not have the same effect. Studies have also found that coffee can prevent bacteria from adhering to teeth, protecting them from bacterial erosion. However, long-term coffee consumption can also lead to the discoloration of teeth due to pigmentation, affecting their appearance. In addition, coffee is rich in vitamin B3, magnesium, and potassium. The different brewing and preparation methods, as well as additives, may affect the concentration of each compound and their effects on the body. Additives such as trans-fat containing creamer and sugar can have negative effects on health. To date, caffeine, chlorogenic acid, and diterpenes are the most well-known and important bioactive compounds found in coffee.




(Chemical formula C8H10N4O2), also known as coffeine, is a nitrogen-containing alkaloid and a type of xanthine. For humans, it is a central nervous system stimulant that can temporarily drive away sleepiness and restore energy. Therefore, caffeine is also the most commonly used psychoactive drug in the world. The main source of caffeine in the world is coffee beans, and its content in coffee depends largely on the variety of beans and their processing. Even the caffeine content in coffee beans from the same tree can vary greatly.


綠原酸(chlorogenic acid)

咖啡富含多酚類(polyphenols), 包括類黃酮(flavonoids)、酚酸(phenolicacids)、木酚素(lignans)和二苯乙烯類(stilbenes),具有抗氧化作用(antioxidant),其中之酚酸及其衍生物綠原酸更富含於咖啡,綠原酸是由酚酸代謝之咖啡酸及阿魏酸,加入奎寧酸所形成,其代謝尚不是很清楚,目前所知主要在小腸和結腸代謝,其中腸道菌扮演重要的角色。

Chlorogenic acid

Polyphenols is abundant in coffee, including flavonoids, phenolic acids, lignans, and stilbenes, all of which have antioxidant properties. Among these, phenolic acid and its derivative, chlorogenic acid, are particularly abundant in coffee. Chlorogenic acid is formed by the metabolism of caffeic acid and ferulic acid, which are phenolic acids, and quinic acid. Its metabolism is not yet fully understood, but it is known to occur mainly in the small and large intestine, where gut bacteria play an important role.



出現在咖啡油中,是其咖啡脂肪的主要來源,隨著不同泡法,其濃度差異亦很大,膽固醇約0.4-8.9 mg/dL(5cups/天),三酸甘油酯約<0.65-9.1 mg/dL。咖啡醇(cafestol)和咖啡豆醇(kahweol) 含量如表1所示,研究發現經過濾的咖啡(filtered coffee)較不會造成血脂肪上升,未過濾的咖啡中的咖啡醇,可能是造成高血脂的原因之一。

Diterpenes: Cafestol and Kahweol

Cafestol and kahweol are present in coffee oil, which is the main source of coffee fat. Their concentration varies greatly depending on the brewing method. The cholesterol content ranges from approximately 0.4-8.9 mg/dL (5 cups/day), and the triglyceride content is approximately <0.65-9.1 mg/dL. The levels of cafestol and kahweol are shown in Table 1. Studies have found that filtered coffee is less likely to cause an increase in blood lipids, whereas cafestol in unfiltered coffee may be one of the causes of high blood lipids.



The most well-known and important active compounds in coffee are caffeine, chlorogenic acid, and diterpenes. Despite numerous studies, there is still a lack of rigorous long-term experimental designs, and therefore, the causal relationship between coffee consumption and diseases cannot be confirmed. Therefore, moderate exercise and a healthy diet are still the most important factors for a healthy lifestyle, and coffee drinking may simply be another option to enhance it.


以上摘錄自: www.breastcf.org.tw/upload/ckfinder_rwd/files/58-11%20咖啡對健康的影響.pdf 

Source: www.breastcf.org.tw/upload/ckfinder_rwd/files/58-11%20咖啡對健康的影響.pdf

