咖啡護肝 Coffee for Liver Health


1. 咖啡因&綠原酸保護肝臟好元素!



Coffee for Liver Health - The other day, the aunt of our editor asked if drinking coffee helps reduce the fatty liver index of. We sell single-origin coffee, not nutritionists, but the editor was curious and decided to look it up. Turns out, it really helps!



"Coffee contains thousands of complex compounds, with the most well-known and important active compounds being caffeine and chlorogenic acid. Caffeine can lower liver function indices that are abnormally elevated due to fatty liver. Chlorogenic acid has antioxidant properties that protect the liver from fat accumulation and oxidative damage. However, chlorogenic acid decreases with the roasting temperature, so drinking heavily roasted coffee may be ineffective."



Our single-origin light-roast coffee is flavorful and healthy, worth savoring!



Caffeine and chlorogenic acid are great elements for liver protection! But remember, chlorogenic acid decreases with the roasting temperature, so it's best to drink light-roast coffee!


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