抗氧化 Antioxidants


1.  綠原酸 (chlorogenic acids) 抗氧化物含量最豐富
2. 抗氧化物具有修補細胞的功效


Many acidic organic compounds not only contribute to the aroma and flavor of coffee but also serve as beneficial antioxidants for our health.

綠原酸 (chlorogenic acids) 抗氧化物含量最豐富

其中,綠原酸 (chlorogenic acids) 含量最豐富,韓懷宗指出,綠原酸在味蕾上並不討好,澀嘴苦口,但卻有很強的抗氧化和清除自由基的能力,研究發現可助人體抗癌。經過烘焙後,綠原酸分解降解成奎寧酸(quinic acid)和咖啡酸,同樣具有抗氧化作用。

Among them, chlorogenic acids are the most abundant. Haizong Han pointed out that chlorogenic acids may not be favored by the taste buds due to their bitterness and astringency. However, they possess strong antioxidant properties and can effectively eliminate free radicals, which have been found to help fight against cancer. After roasting, chlorogenic acids break down into quinic acid and caffeic acid, both of which also exhibit antioxidant effects.


The total surface area exposed to air determines the extent of volatile loss of antioxidants.




Antioxidants have cell-repairing effects.Coffee contains chlorogenic acids, caffeic acid, and quinic acid. These belong to the phenolic acid class. They are the largest source of plant phenolic antioxidants for human consumption. Coffee contains approximately 97 mg of phenolic acids per 100g. Phenolic antioxidants can neutralize excessive free radicals, thus maintaining overall health.



Coffee contains various acidic organic compounds that not only contribute to its aroma and flavor but also provide beneficial antioxidants for our health. It contains chlorogenic acids, caffeic acid, quinic acid, and others. Although they may not be pleasant to the taste buds, they are the primary source of plant phenolic antioxidants in our diet. Coffee contains approximately 97 mg of phenolic acids per 100g, which can neutralize excessive free radicals and contribute to our well-being. Justin Coffee insists on nitrogen-flushed packaging for its drip bags, not only to preserve the flavor but also to minimize the volatilization of antioxidants.

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