咖啡不再只有苦-想踏入精品咖啡世界該怎麼做 Coffee Is No Longer Just Bitter: How to Step into the World of Specialty Coffee



1. 瞭解精品咖啡的定義
2. 學習品嚐咖啡
3. 購買新鮮烘焙的咖啡豆
4. 使用正確的沖煮方法
5. 不斷學習和探索

Entering the world of specialty coffee is an exciting and challenging journey that allows you to experience the rich diversity of coffee. We often hear our customers say that they don't want to drink bitter coffee or consume more bitterness since the world is already bitter enough. In reality, specialty coffee is sweet, with a delightful balance of acidity and smoothness. Here are some suggestions to help you start exploring specialty coffee:

1. 瞭解精品咖啡的定義

1.  Understand the Definition of Specialty Coffee

精品咖啡指的是經過嚴格標準種植、採收、處理和烘焙的咖啡豆。精品咖啡協會SCA定義,杯測分數達到80分以上就是精品咖啡,杯測滿分為100分制。分數為80-84.99的咖啡被評為 非常好(Very Good),分數為85-89.99的咖啡被評為 優秀的(Excellent),分數為90-100的咖啡被評為 傑出的(Outstanding)。分數低於80的咖啡就不是精品咖啡,一般稱為商業咖啡。精品咖啡豆擁有明顯的風味特徵和優質的風味平衡。
Specialty coffee refers to coffee beans that are cultivated, harvested, processed, and roasted to meet strict standards. According to the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), any coffee scoring 80 points or above on a 100-point scale is considered specialty coffee. Scores between 80-84.99 are rated as Very Good, 85-89.99 as Excellent, and 90-100 as Outstanding. Coffees scoring below 80 are not classified as specialty coffee and are generally referred to as commercial coffee. Specialty coffee beans have distinct flavor characteristics and excellent flavor balance.

Specialty coffee is usually grown at high altitudes and carefully tended by farmers, who sell it at a premium to traders or roasters. Roasters create the most suitable roasting profiles to enhance and highlight the beans' natural flavors, which are then brewed by coffee enthusiasts. Here are three ways to identify specialty coffee: first, traceability—specialty coffee scoring above 80 points typically comes with clear origin information; second, distinct flavor characteristics—specialty coffee has rich and pronounced flavors, such as floral and citrus notes; finally, price—specialty coffee usually costs more due to the meticulous care and higher costs involved in its production. Specialty coffee persists because coffee professionals dedicate their lives to maintaining high standards of quality from cultivation to roasting. Consumers choose specialty coffee not only for its superior taste and flavor but also to support the hardworking coffee community and improve their quality of life.

2. 學習品嚐咖啡

2. Learn to Taste Coffee

Learning how to taste coffee is a crucial step in entering the world of specialty coffee. You can attend coffee tasting classes to learn how to identify different flavors, aftertastes, acidity, sweetness, and mouthfeel. Start by tasting coffees from different origins and roast levels and keep a tasting journal. Coffee professionals evaluate a good cup of coffee based on ten criteria: Fragrance/Aroma, Flavor, Aftertaste, Acidity, Body, Sweetness, Balance, Clarity, Uniformity, and Overall.

Fragrance includes both dry and wet aromas, which should be distinct, rich, and consistent with the coffee’s origin and processing method. Flavor is the core element of tasting, reflecting the primary characteristics of the coffee, and should be clear, structured, and easy to identify. Aftertaste refers to the lingering aroma in the mouth after sipping, which should be lasting, clear, and pleasant. Acidity contributes to the brightness and complexity of the coffee, it helps to improve coffee’s vitality and structures. Body describes the texture and mouthfeel of the coffee, which should be mellow and smooth. Sweetness refers to the natural sweetness of the coffee, not added sugar. Balance is the harmony of all tasting aspects, with no single flavor overpowering others. Clarity indicates the coffee’s flavor should be pure without muddled sensation. Uniformity means each cup of coffee should have consistent flavors under the same brewing conditions. Lastly, Overall is the cupping score considering all factors, with some subjectivity. Understanding these details can help you appreciate and evaluate each coffee's unique characteristics more systematically.

3. 購買新鮮烘焙的咖啡豆

3. Purchase Freshly Roasted Coffee Beans

The most attractive aspects of drinking coffee are its aroma and mouthfeel. Freshly roasted coffee has a rich aroma, but the brewed coffee might not always be aromatic enough; the best mouthfeel often comes after the beans have aged for a while. Freshly roasted coffee releases a peak aroma but also contains carbon dioxide produced during roasting. Excessive carbon dioxide can make the coffee bloom beautifully during brewing but reduces contact time between water and coffee grounds, lowering extraction rates and thus diminishing flavor and taste. Fresh beans have an enticing aroma when ground, but the brewed coffee may not be as flavorful. Some aromas need time to integrate into the coffee oils, to be extracted during brewing. This is the key point of aging the beans. Therefore, freshly roasted coffee is aromatic, but after aging for a while, the brewed coffee becomes more aromatic. When coffee is naturally sweet and rich in flavor, it will have a good, smooth, and substantial mouthfeel, which requires adequate extraction rates. If extraction rates are insufficient, the sweetness won't be extracted, and the soluble substances in coffee won't be enough, leading to a poor mouthfeel. The pursuit of fresh roasting ensures we capture the aroma; the next step is aging the beans and pairing them with a unique brewing method to enjoy coffee with both aroma and mouthfeel.

4. 使用正確的沖煮方法

4. Using the Correct Brewing Method

Different brewing methods affect the flavor of coffee. For instance, pour-over, French press, siphon, and espresso machine each have their unique flavor profiles. The pour-over method is the easiest to start with and offers the most versatility. The charm of pour-over coffee lies in its ability to showcase the diverse flavors brought by different coffee varieties, origins, processing methods, and roast levels using simple equipment. The pour-over process involves multiple variables, including the coffee-to-water ratio, grind size, water temperature, extraction time, and pouring technique. These variables determine the final flavor and texture of the coffee.

The flavor of pour-over coffee is influenced not only by concentration but also by the extraction rate. Too low a concentration makes the coffee bland, while too high a concentration affects the texture. An under-extracted coffee will taste sour, while an over-extracted one will be bitter. As extraction rate and concentration increase, coffee flavors intensify, transitioning from sweet and acidic to more pronounced bitterness. Understanding these variables can help coffee enthusiasts adjust their pour-over brewing process to achieve the best flavor.

5. 不斷學習和探索

5. Continuous Learning and Exploration

The world of specialty coffee is dynamic, with new techniques, bean varieties, and brewing methods constantly emerging. Continuous learning and exploration can keep your interest alive and enhance your coffee knowledge and skills. Also, taste the flavors from different origins. For those who have never tasted specialty coffee, it might all taste the same, like roasted coffee. It is recommended to try various beans, such as the floral Panama Geisha, the rum-barrel-processed Colombian with its rich wine aroma, and the fruity Ethiopian Uraga natural beans. This will allow you to experience the different dimensions of coffee flavors. Finally, follow and keep up with Justin Coffee. Justin Coffee emphasizes the origin of its coffee, insists on fresh roasting, and offers over a hundred different specialty coffee origins. They share coffee knowledge every Friday and have maintained quality and sustainability for over seven years. Weekly coffee tips help build passion for specialty coffee.

Specialty coffee is no longer just bitter; it offers a rich variety of flavors. When selecting specialty coffee, consider its traceability, distinctive flavor characteristics, and higher price. Learning to taste coffee is important, and attending tasting courses can teach you to identify aromas, flavors, and textures. Purchase freshly roasted coffee beans, and after proper aging, they will taste best. The correct brewing method, such as pour-over, can showcase the diverse flavors. Continuously explore different origins and processing methods to enhance your coffee knowledge and taste. Follow brands committed to quality and learn coffee knowledge to deeply understand specialty coffee. Entering the world of specialty coffee takes time and patience, but it will bring you endless joy and surprises. Enjoy this delightful journey!




✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures


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