烘焙與咖啡因 Coffee Roasting and Caffeine

烘焙與咖啡因 -咖啡豆中的咖啡因幾乎不會因烘焙程度而有所改變,咖啡因的熔點(Melting Point)是235°C~238°C,咖啡因的結構不會因烘豆加熱而裂解。

The caffeine in coffee beans will hardly change during the roasting. The melting point of caffeine is 235°C ~ 238°C, thus the structure of caffeine will not be changed by the heating of roasted beans crack.



Caffeine is water soluble, so the longer the coffee is brewed, the more caffeine will be extracted. In addition, the darker the roast, the more weight loss the coffee will have. Dark roasted coffee will have more beans than light roasted coffee at the same weight. Under the same extraction and brewing conditions, dark roasted coffee will have more caffeine.




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 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
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