藝妓咖啡的種類 Varieties of Geisha Coffee



Geisha coffee, once named one of the "World's Ten Most Expensive Coffees" by Forbes, is a legendary coffee known to coffee connoisseurs. In fact, there is a diversity of different varieties of Geisha, such as Geisha T2722, Gesha, Geisha 1931, Green Tip Geisha, and Bronze Tip Geisha. Do these different Geisha varieties exhibit flavor variations?



There's a serious confusion regarding Geisha varieties because multiple genetically distinct plant types are referred to as Geisha, many of which have similar geographic origins in Ethiopia. Recent genetic diversity analysis conducted by the World Coffee Research Center has confirmed that the T2722 variety grown in Panama has unique and consistent offspring. When properly managed at high altitudes, it correlates positively with extremely high cupping quality and is renowned for its delicate floral, jasmine, and peach-like aromas. Here are some well-known Geisha varieties:


在巴拿馬生長繁衍超過60年的藝妓是T2722品種。最初於1930年代從衣索比亞的咖啡森林中採集。它被送到坦桑尼亞的Lyamungu研究站,然後於1953年被帶到中美洲哥斯大黎加的Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE),在那裡被記錄為編號T2722。在1960年代,人們認識到它對咖啡葉銹病具有耐受性後,它通過CATIE銷往巴拿馬各地。但該植物枝條較脆,不受農民喜愛,因此並未廣泛種植。直到2005年,巴拿波奎特的Peterson家族將此咖啡參加巴拿馬最佳咖啡(Best of Panama)競賽和拍賣會,該咖啡開始聲名鵲起。它獲得了極高的評價,並打破了當時生咖啡拍賣價格的紀錄。

Geisha T2722

The Geisha T2722, which has been growing and reproducing in Panama for over 60 years, originally from the coffee forests of Ethiopia in the 1930s. It was sent to the Lyamungu research station in Tanzania. In 1953, it was brought to the Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) in Costa Rica, where it was recorded as the T2722 variety. In the 1960s, it was recognized for its resistance to coffee leaf rust, and it was distributed to various parts of Panama through CATIE. However, due to its relatively brittle branches, it wasn't favored by farmers and wasn't extensively cultivated. It wasn't until 2005 when the Peterson family in Boquete, Panama, entered this coffee into the Best of Panama competition and auction that this coffee began to gain fame. It received exceptionally high ratings and broke records for coffee auction prices at the time.


綠頂藝妓(Green Tip)&銅頂藝妓(Bronze Tip)

Green Tip Geisha & Bronze Tip Geisha

In Panama, Geisha coffee comes in two known variants based on the color of the coffee tree leaves' tips: Green Tip Geisha and Bronze Tip Geisha. Green Tip Geisha is known for its prominent floral notes and brighter acidity. Bronze Tip Geisha, on the other hand, offers a smoother and creamier mouthfeel with less floral aroma and more fruity notes, and its acidity is less pronounced.


果利藝妓(Gori Gesha)
衣索比亞的原生藝妓品種,命名於藝妓咖啡的起源地-果利森林(Gori Gesha Forest),森林內具遺傳多樣性,有些是圓身、有些是尖身。此為衣索比亞藝妓村於2011年尋獲的品種,並依據藝妓村篩選規則為目數16目及以上;並依藝妓村分級制度,通常為綠標等級的出口品。

Gori Gesha

Gori Gesha is a native Ethiopian Geisha variety, named after the origin of Geisha coffee - the Gori Gesha Forest. This forest has genetic diversity, resulting in some varieties having a rounded body while others have a more pointed one. Discovered by the Ethiopian Gesha Village in 2011, it was selected based on the village's screening criteria of 16 screen sizes and above. Typically, it is exported as a Green Label grade following the Gesha Village's grading system.


藝妓1931(Gesha 1931)

Gesha 1931

The Geisha variety in Ethiopia is a combination of various types from different forests, and its flavor profile is very similar to that of Panama's Geisha. This variety was selected by observing its plant morphology, bean appearance, screen size, and cupping flavor. It's the primary variety cultivated in the Ethiopian Gesha Village, meeting the village's selection criteria of a screen size of 17 and above. It is also exported following the Gesha Village's grading system, with Gold Label and Red Label grades being common.


│藝妓村 金標 紅標 綠標

Geisha Village Gold Label Red Label Green Label



Regarding the spelling of Geisha, it is often interchangeably used with Gesha, which is due to transliteration since there is no fixed translation from Ethiopian dialects to English. Coffee was initially recorded with the spelling Geisha in planting records, and this spelling has largely been maintained by coffee researchers and planting databases for decades, leading to its widespread use in the coffee industry. This variety was originally collected from a mountain in Ethiopia, which is typically translated as Gesha or Geisha in English.



In recent years, Geisha varieties have gained interest and have been cultivated in various parts of the world, including Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Colombia, Peru, and more in Central and South America. Usually, these efforts involve transplanting the Panama T2722 variety. Additionally, Taiwan has started growing Geisha in many high-altitude regions, with higher altitudes typically resulting in more enchanting flavors.


│咖啡品種 原來這麼多種
Types of Coffee Beans





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