莊園精品咖啡和環境永續有關? Is Estate Specialty Coffee and Environmental Sustainability Related?


原來所謂莊園精品咖啡 不只是個名詞,背後飽含對每顆咖啡的珍惜與心意。包括對小農的公平交易、遮蔭式栽種、雨林保護、水資源保護...等維護生態平衡的方式,讓享用每杯甜美飄香的莊園咖啡時,富含更美好意義。以下列舉幾個例子:

It turns out that the so-called estate specialty coffee is not just a term, but there is full of cherishing and affection for each coffee behind it. Including fair trade for small farmers, shade planting, rainforest protection, water resources protection, etc. to maintain ecological balance. Each cup of sweet and fragrant coffee from the estate is full of better meaning. Here are a few examples:

巴拿馬的凱薩路易斯(Casa Ruiz)遵循波魁特產區當地傳統對環境友善的方式栽植咖啡,但為提高生豆品質,有別於以往,增加生豆處理每一個環節的嚴謹制度,包含生豆栽種、處理、篩選、保存。

   │巴拿馬 凱薩路易斯 美景莊園 水洗  │ 淺焙
   │巴拿馬 凱薩路易斯 小燭莊園 藝妓 水洗 │ 淺焙


Casa Ruiz in Panama grows coffee by following the traditional and environmentally friendly way in the Boquete production area. In order to improve the quality of green beans, a rigorous system of green bean processing, which is different from the past, has been added, including green beans plantation, processing, screening, preservation.

Panama Casa Ruiz Finca Vista Hermosa Jaramillo Washed │ Light Roast

│ Panama Casa Ruiz Candela Community Geisha Washed │ Light Roast



    │巴西 伊帕內瑪莊園 頂級金&頂級藍系列│淺中焙


Brazil's Ipanema manor adheres to its commitment to sustainable management, and seeks a better operation model for coffee and ecology through cooperation with agronomic scientists. In order to maintain the integrity of the forest, the manor covers an area of ​​1,500 hectares. Only 626 hectares are used for coffee cultivation, 167 hectares are other crops, and up to 773 hectares are nature reserves.

    │Brasil Ipanema Premier Cru GOLD/BLUE Light Medium Roast


宏都拉斯的聖文森處理廠(San Vicente)收購周遭各小農咖啡豆,對其知識、技術和經濟都給予大力幫助,採傳統耕作法,在原生林的樹蔭下栽培並限制農藥使用,不僅能幫助雨林生態,包括河流、土壤及野生動物棲息地等得到應有的保護。

    │宏都拉斯 聖文森處理廠 諾亞小農 厭氧慢乾日曬│淺中焙


The San Vicente processing plant in Honduras buys coffee beans from the surrounding small farmers, and helps them with their knowledge, technology and economy, adopting traditional farming methods, cultivating in the shade of native forests and limiting the use of pesticides. It not only can help the rainforest ecology, but also rivers, soil and wildlife habitats to be properly protected.

   │Honduras Santa Barbara San Vicente Noe Contreras ASD Natural Light Medium Roast


衣索比亞的紅櫻桃計畫(Operation Cherry Red Project),指的是色澤紅潤的咖啡櫻桃,為了鼓勵衣索比亞的農民生產更優質的咖啡豆,並讓農民獲得更好的收入、改善當地生活水平,指定以手工採收100%成熟的紅色咖啡櫻桃,並提供財務貸款支援新的硬體設備、提供生產處理知識等技術協助農民們,且建造高品質的咖啡杯測實驗室。承諾只要咖啡品質在該杯測室中達到標準,就會給予豐厚的價格收購。而烘焙業者也因為能買到優良的咖啡豆,而願意提出更好的價格,將獲利回饋給農民,並不斷改進,持續提升咖啡品質。

   │衣索比亞 蓋德奧 果樂處理廠 紅櫻桃計畫 G1 水洗│淺焙


The Ethiopian Operation Cherry Red Project, which refers to ruddy coffee cherries, aims to encourage farmers in Ethiopia to produce better quality coffee beans, and allow farmers to obtain better income, improve local living standards. It is designated to harvest 100% ripe red coffee cherries by hand, and to provide financial loans to support new hardware equipment, provide production and processing knowledge and other technical assistance to farmers, and build high-quality coffee cupping laboratories. It promises that as long as the coffee quality reaches the standard in the cupping room, a generous price will be given. Roasters are also willing to offer better prices because they can buy high-quality coffee beans, return the profits to farmers, and continue to improve the quality of coffee.

    │Ethiopia Gediyo Dila Golla OCR G1 Washed Light Roast



When we enjoy coffee with full flavors, it is the hard work of the farmers and the persistence of the sustainable estate cooperative that good coffee, so we can have a good cup of coffee. We are grateful and cherish the beautiful estate specialty coffee brought to us by nature.




✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡

➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

✔ Stick to fresh roasting ✔ Stick to sieving and roasting ✔ Stick to estate coffee
➤ Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
➤ Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures

