喝咖啡竟有助於健康美麗? 綠原酸 ? Drinking Coffee Actually Helps Health and Beauty? Chlorogenic Acid ?
許多研究發現,喝咖啡有益健康,其中「多酚」是植物富含的天然抗氧化物,對健康有正面效益。 「 綠原酸 」更是其中一種,以咖啡的含量最豐富。
Many studies have found that drinking coffee is good for health. Among them, polyphenols are natural antioxidants rich in plants, which have positive health benefits. Chlorogenic acid is one of them, and coffee has the most of chlorogenic acid among all plants.
However, chlorogenic acid is not heat-resistant and will decrease due to roasting time, so light roasted coffee beans have more chlorogenic acid than dark roasted beans.