咖啡保健顧眼睛 Coffee for Eye Health
咖啡保健顧眼睛 -現代醫學研究指出,咖啡含有菸鹼酸、綠原酸、阿魏酸、多酚類等成分,這些成分都具有抗氧化能力及保護血管的功能,能預防視網膜缺血、老年性黃斑部病、視網膜神經炎症和視網膜神經節細胞的損失。適量的咖啡,有益身體健康。
Coffee for Eye Health - Modern medical research has shown that coffee contains components such as niacin, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, and polyphenols. These components possess antioxidant properties and help protect blood vessels, preventing retinal ischemia, age-related macular degeneration, retinal neuropathy, and loss of retinal ganglion cells. Moderate consumption of coffee can be beneficial for overall health.