Ethiopia Bench Maji Gesha Farm Baby Lucy Gesha G1 Washed 1 Pack │ Light【Justin Coffee】 1/2 lb (230g) Estate Coffee Freshly Roasted

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Item No.: JC164968

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Ethiopia Bench Maji Gesha Farm Baby Lucy Gesha G1 Washed

  • Country of Origin: Ethiopia
  • Estate-grown coffee: Ethiopia Bench Maji “Baby Lucy”
  • Processing Method: Washed
  • Variety: 100% Arabica Geisha
  • Grade: G1
  • Flavor Profile: Bergamot, Peach, Jasmine, Lemon Peel, Pomelo; an orange-peel and jasmine finish that is sweet and delicate
  • Roast Level: Light Roast
  • Packaging Method:
  • Coffee Beans, 1/2 lb (230g per bag)
  • (One-way degassing valve + kraft paper resealable stand-up pouch)
  • Altitude: 1909–2069m
  • Shelf Life: 4 months (counted from the roasting date to maintain optimal flavor)













Coffee Flavor 
The flavors of coffee are derived from the breakdown of various nutrients in the green coffee beans during roasting. Heat causes these compounds to degrade into a variety of aromatic molecular structures, resulting in a wide spectrum of flavors. High-quality coffee beans naturally possess a rich aroma that evolves at different temperatures—high, medium, and low—offering a delightful and nuanced experience worth savoring.

Ethiopia Bench Maji Gesha Farm Baby Lucy Gesha G1 Washed
Bergamot, Peach, Jasmine, Lemon Peel, Pomelo, with a sweet and delicate finish of orange peel and jasmine.   


This coffee comes from the very birthplace of Geisha coffee worldwide—Lucy Geisha 露西藝妓 is undoubtedly the “Mother of Geisha.” The processing station is situated in the Geisha region of Bench Maji, Ethiopia, right next to the famed “Geisha Village.” Whether it’s Panamanian Geisha, Guatemalan Geisha, or Taiwanese Geisha, every Geisha variety around the globe traces its lineage back to this land. This is also the origin of the station’s name: just like the fossil “Lucy,” widely regarded as a key to humanity’s origins, this station is committed to championing the pure lineage and ultimate flavor of Geisha coffee, sharing it with coffee lovers around the world.

Though the Lucy processing station has been in operation for less than a decade, its coffees already rival top-tier Geishas in Central and South America. Much of this success can be attributed to the exceptional natural conditions in the Geisha region: fertile soil, a unique microclimate, and ideal temperature ranges and rainfall—all of which provide a perfect environment for cultivating Geisha’s distinctive flavors. These factors produce coffee cherries with a rich and remarkable depth of flavor.

Grade 1 (G1) is the highest classification in Ethiopia’s coffee grading system.

Geisha coffee, once recognized by Forbes as one of the “Top Ten Most Expensive Coffees in the World,” is a legendary name known throughout the specialty coffee scene. There is significant confusion surrounding the Geisha variety because multiple genetically distinct plant types are referred to by this name, many sharing similar geographical origins in Ethiopia. Recent genetic diversity analyses by World Coffee Research have confirmed that the T2722 variety grown in Panama is unique and genetically consistent. When these plants are carefully managed at high altitudes, they exhibit a strong correlation with outstanding cup quality, celebrated for their delicate floral, jasmine, and peach-like aromas.

In Panama, the Geisha variety that has been growing for over 60 years is the T2722 strain. Originally collected from Ethiopia’s coffee forests in the 1930s, it was first sent to the Lyamungu Research Station in Tanzania, then in 1953 transferred to the Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) in Costa Rica, where it was recorded under the designation T2722. In the 1960s, after it was recognized for its tolerance to coffee leaf rust, it was distributed throughout Panama via CATIE. However, because its branches are somewhat brittle, farmers initially disliked it, and it wasn’t widely planted. It wasn’t until 2005—when the Peterson family in Boquete, Panama, submitted this coffee to the Best of Panama competition and auction—that it began to gain widespread attention. It received exceptionally high ratings and shattered the existing record for green coffee auction prices at the time.

Regarding its name, “Geisha” and “Gesha” are often used interchangeably due to transliteration issues, as there is no standardized way to render the Ethiopian dialect into English. In cultivation records, the coffee was initially spelled “Geisha,” and for decades, researchers and databases mostly maintained that spelling, leading to its early adoption and widespread use within the coffee industry. The variety was originally collected from a mountain in Ethiopia whose name is commonly transliterated into English as either “Gesha” or “Geisha.”

In recent years, Geisha cultivation has spread worldwide, achieving excellent results in numerous competitions. This includes countries in Central and South America such as Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Colombia, and Peru—primarily through transplants of Panama’s T2722 variety. In addition, many high-altitude regions in Taiwan have also begun growing Geisha, with higher elevations typically producing even more captivating flavor profiles.

(Coffee Processes)
Coffee processing refers to the transformation of ripe red coffee cherries into dried green coffee beans. Each method has its pros and cons, influenced by the natural environment and specific needs of the production region. Therefore, each coffee-producing area adopts processing methods best suited to its conditions. This batch uses  the Washed Process, which are summarized below:

【Washed / Wet Processed】

Also called the wet processing method, this technique involves removing the skin and pulp of the coffee cherries before drying. The seeds are then fermented in water tanks to remove residual mucilage from their surface. After fermentation, they are thoroughly washed and dried under sunlight or with mechanical dryers.

Compared to the natural process, the washed process produces a cleaner, crisper cup with lighter body. It often highlights bright, vibrant flavors and the complex acidity that defines specialty coffee. While washed coffees may still exhibit fruity characteristics, they are typically more refined and easier to distinguish, making them a hallmark of high-quality coffee.


Tel: +886-3-358-6611
1st Floor, No. 30, Lane 120, Daxing Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City

▶This product is covered by a NT$10 million product liability insurance.
▶Food Industry Registration Number: F-165601955-00000-0
▶ Our company’s cupper is certified as a CQI International Coffee Quality Appraiser. 



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